DSi Downloads Around The Net

Buying game cartridges for most platforms today are quite pricey, and so putting them on the net for everyone to share would be the best offer. One of the hottest gaming consoles today, the Nintendo DSi has a big library of Silagra such. The best thing about them is that they are now downloadable, no need to go to the mall to buy them.

The third iteration of the Nintendo DS is now a far cry from the once bulky cartridges and CDs. They are everywhere on the Internet when one googles them. Because of this, most games and other media are practically free. Here are some feature websites where to get those Dsi downloads.

The official Nintendo DSi website offers downloadables with the DsiWare and Nintendo Dsi shop, where one can get unique games and applications. They can be downloaded using the Nintendo Dsi Points; but most of their Dsi downloads aren’t free. And the bad side is most of them are simple games such as Scrabble Tools, Crazy Sudoku, Petz Kittens, Hospital Havoc, Happy Birthday Mart, etc. which hardcore players won’t like. They prefer instead RPGs and other action-packed titles, which aren’t available in the official Nintendo Dsi website.

But the brilliant computer hackers, hardcore gamers and third party makers have discovered a way to pirate Nintendo DS games. They are run on files called roms, and there are many of them on the Internet. Absolutely free. Websites such as the nds-roms.com, rom-freaks.net and nintendodsroms.com has Dsi downloads for everyone to enjoy.

Famous titles such as Super Mario Bros., Cooking Mama, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon Pearl and Diamond are all available from these pirates. They’ve got thousands of selection a Nintendo DS addict would love. One can also share his/her Nintendo games on these sites.

If one digs deeper into Google, one can also find Dsi downloads that are also available in torrents. Websites such as isohunt.com, thepiratebay.org, mininova.org and other torrent sites might have Nintendo DS games on them. One would only need a peer-to-peer program such as BitTorrent and Utorrent and a whole lot of patience because such Nintendo DS games might have few seeders.

Author Bio: Learn about the best DSi Download sites. Find out where to download unlimited DSi games without being afraid of viruses or adware. Go to DSi Downloads at http://www.dsidownloadgames.com/

Category: Internet
Keywords: dsi downloads, nintendo dsi download, download dsi games, dsi games download, downloads dsi, downloads nintendo dsi, ds downloads

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