Everything to Think About While Running

Minus the track stars from high school, most people have not been taught the correct way to run. Although, it takes remembering a lot of things at once, learning the how to do it properly can make your daily jog more effective and help increase endurance.

The first thing to do is to throw out your old running shoes. Most likely the treed is worn out and they are not giving you the support you need.

Go to a sporting good store and ask them to fit you for the best running shoes for the type of running you do. New shoes can even help correct some of the injuries you may have acquired already.

Once you get new shoes you want to make sure that you start running on the right part of your foot from the begging, so you don’t wear them out in the wrong places. The biggest mistake people make when they go out is over-striding and land too far forward or too far back on there foot.

The goal of any runner is to land on the middle or the ball of your foot with every step they take. If you concentrate on this you will see that running will become easier and shin splints will start to be eliminated.

If you have ever felt your shoulders getting tight during your work out this means you are holding your arms in the wrong position, and again are making it harder. Make sure they are down at your waist and make a ninety degree angle.

You want to keep your arms swinging from you shoulder and not from your elbow. While you do this keep your hands as relaxed as possible; keeping them in a fist will create unneeded tension, in what else but …your shoulders.

To avoid hunching make sure your hands to not cross over the middle of your body while you are swinging them . Also, make sure your back is straight and your shoulder are not to far forward.

Towards the end of your run you won’t even notice you are hunching because you have become tired. So if you can remember, about half way through and then before you are done, just check your posture and make sure your chest is up and pointed out.

The good thing about our bodies is that once you fix one thing about your posture it will help correct other things. So if you are able to keep your chest up then if will keep you from bouncing your whole body while you jog.

Keeping your arms at that ninety degree angle and swinging will also help you keep your strides short and again keep you from bouncing too much.

Another thing to think about while running is your breathing. You want to take in air through your nose as well as your mouth.

You need to get as much oxygen to your brain and muscles as possible. The only way to do this is by using your mouth and nose simultaneously.

Also make sure that your breathing is coming from your diaphragm and not your chest. This is to assure you are breathing as deep as physically possible.

Then when you exhale you want it to come out your mouth. Another goal would be to inhale for three strides and exhale for two strides, this is if you can, make sure that breathing never gets too difficult.

Its also a good idea to start your run with walking actually. A good warm-up walk can be for five to ten minutes, you can do the same when you are done jogging for a cool down.

The best time to stretch your muscles is once you have completely finished your work out and cool down. Your muscles are at their warmest.

Stretch each muscle for 15 to 30 seconds and never do anything that hurts your muscle too much. Stretching your muscles at the end will help them be conditioned for the next time Levitra Professional you run.

Just like walking, drinking water needs to be done before and after your run. It is important to drink water an hour before your go out, a glass or two should be sufficient.

After you jog is twice as important to hydrate, you want to drink three to four glasses once you are done. If you plan to cross many miles, it would be a good idea to take something like Gatorade with you and drink it every 20 minutes.

Author Bio: Terry Daniels has been a personal trainer for over 10 years, with an emphasis in running. When the weather is too bad to run out side Terry enjoys running on a treadmill’>http://www.healthrider.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Category2_-1_14751_16552_32002_Y”>treadmill.

Terry Daniels

Category: Fitness
Keywords: running

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