Health Benefits of Eating Honey for Diets

In order to complete 1-2 hour weight and cardio training sessions, malt dextrin or dextrose is consumed by many bodybuilders. These popular sources of carbohydrates are chosen because they possess a very slow-burning nature, this can be very helpful in blood glucose level management following workouts. A lot of bodybuilders have been discovering that honey not only tastes great, but also is a great substitute that contains additional benefits.

Honey, like dextrose, is a great source for increasing insulin levels in post-workout protein shakes. It not only provides a variety of different tastes (which is great in the bland world of Cialis bodybuilding nutrition), but the body will also burn it more slowly. But honey is something that should not replace dextrose as your primary carbohydrate source after working out. After all, almost half of the calories in it derive from fructose, the carb flavor that often transforms to unwanted fat. It is a great option to keep available if you ever run out of dextrose, or if you are trying to sweeten a cheat meal. Honey is also a great option if you’re in the middle of a bulking phase and you are craving extra calories.

You can purchase honey at any grocery store, and it can be great to have if you are on the road missing a good protein shake, and just picking up some lunch meat or other quick protein source having just worked out. Take in one to two tablespoons of honey with the meat to get the most out of the time period after working out. Fast food is something that should never really be considered when training in bodybuilding, but a good meal to eat if you must do it would have to be KFC chicken dripping with honey, not to mention that this is also very delicious.

Honey is also considered to be a chief provider to supplemental anti-oxidant effects on the body, so bodybuilders find it extremely helpful to assist their routine in the very important recovery time period having been through a tough workout. A thing to remember is that you want to be extra sure that you are not allergic to honey (as many are), and any bad reactions or side effects to eating honey in this manner should result in you consulting a doctor. Adding honey or using it as a substitute can have various benefits that will make your bodybuilding experience more joyful and successful.

Author Bio: Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on bodybuilding and steroids. He has coached countless athletes all over the world. To read more of his work, please visit either or

Category: Fitness
Keywords: bodybuilding, body building, bodybuilding tips, bodybuilding supplements, dietary supplements, honey

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