Household Hints For Getting Organized at Home – Ideas For Simple Living

Household hints abound for how to do tasks around the house, but getting organized requires a systematic approach to those everyday tasks. You must have a standardized way of approaching each day so that you know what to expect and everything gets done on time.

That is the way to achieve a more organized home life. Simple living is really about reducing complexities and there is no better way to make your life simpler that by setting up systems for some of those ordinary and more mundane household tasks that simply have to be done.

It does not matter whether you live in a house with 1 or 20 people there are still household tasks that must get done. In fact the more people in the house the more important it is to have systems in place or things can get rather chaotic.

Take a large organization like the military, or a hospital or a hotel for example – they know all about getting organized! Can you even imagine an organization like the military, not having standardized systems for feeding people, getting and replacing clothing and doing laundry? That would be chaotic!


Unless you plan to live in a nudist colony laundry is a must! Here are some household hints for getting organized with laundry tasks.

– set a laundry day and stick to it. The more people in the house the more often you might have to do laundry but stick to the days you set.
– make sure that everybody has enough clothing to make it through a week without having to do laundry.
– teach your kids how to do their own laundry and make them independent with this chore as quickly as possible.

Grocery Shopping

Even people who are practicing simple living have to eat! Getting organized with your grocery shopping is not difficult if you follow these few suggestions:

– use a grocery list and keep it in an accessible, visible place.
-plan your menus for at least a week and write down what you will need for those meals on the list.
-shop at regular (but not frequent) intervals and only go only on the designated day. If you run out of something put it on the list and make do until the next shopping day. Most families will not have to shop more than once per week. Never leave the house to “pick up something” just make do until the next shopping day.

Clothes Shopping

You know those clothes that you are washing every week? On that designated laundry day? They will eventually wear out or someone will outgrow them. This is the time to get rid of them and get new ones. Here are some household hints to maintain an organized home when it comes to managing clothes shopping for you and your family.
– always take a list!
-Keep a box in the house especially for “previously loved” clothes and make sure the clothes that no one is wearing get put there. Make a regular run to the thrift shop with your donations.
-set up regular shopping times, mark them on the calendar and stick to it. This will usually be around change of seasons and if you have kids it might be more often but definitely not more than three times per year.
– be utilitarian about your shopping and shop because you need to. Never shop for recreation unless you are actually on vacation.
– buy in bulk. There is little point in buying one pair of socks! A little boy who wears socks every day will need at least seven pairs to get through the week (the big boys will too!). Ten pairs of socks all the same variety and color will make life easier on laundry day (no more sock matching) and every other day! Do the same with underwear and other items that are worn only once before going to the laundry hamper.
– shop on line. If you can possibly get socks, underwear and other such items online and delivered to your door you will have reduced many of the complexities of just getting to the store! Now that is simple living! You just have to be sure of your sizes because if it is not right it is more complex to return things from an online purchase than it is to take it back to the mall.

Organizing Paperwork

If you are not that “precise” with paper you may need a system for organizing paperwork. Using binders is a great way to contain all that paper in a handy file that will not let those papers fall out!

– open the mail, sort and file every day at the same time. Complete the entire process so that the mail is sorted for action or filed away for reference.
– Assign a regular date to paying bills and stick to it! or better yet set up automatic bill payments through electronic financial transfers with the online system of your financial institution.
– establish a household binder to hold important reference documents like warranties, receipts, insurance papers and other household papers.
– establish another binder for correspondence. When you receive correspondence punch the holes and place the paper in the binder. Mark the date on the calendar for when you have to provide a response.

The main reasons that people feel overwhelmed and out of control in their day to day family life is because of lack of structure in daily life and the absence of a regular and systematic way of managing all of the things that must be done.

If you want an organized home the best of all household hints is to establish systems to manage the ongoing tasks of life for everyday simple living.

Author Bio: Getting organized Brand Cialis saves time, and reduces stress. Establishing an organized home will have many benefits for health and well being for everyone who lives there. Beverly OMalley explores many of the influences on organizing behaviour and invites you to learn more about what makes you organized at
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Category: Home/Home Improvement/Organizing
Keywords: household hints, getting organized,organized home,simple living

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