How to Choose the Right VoIP Carrier

In an earlier article, we had taken a look at how a VoIP carrier must be able to meet the twin requirements of cost and customization. Usually, these attributes play off against each other with customization increasing at the expense of cost and vice versa. The true gems amongst VoIP providers (and there are many) will give you great benefits at a minimal cost.

However, in order to truly take advantage of all that VoIP has to offer, it’s very important to make sure your provider is giving you all the great features that are a part of the VoIP package. Each of these features requires a dedicated article for itself, but for now I’ll just give one example of what is possible. This highlights yet another reason why VoIP is the future for all businesses.

Business Hours Routing

In a globalized world, a firm can have many different offices scattered in different time zones. These can be leveraged to ensure that customers can be serviced at any time of the day or night. But for this, we need an intelligent system that looks at the time of incoming calls, figures out which office will be able to respond to it, and route it appropriately – all within milliseconds.

This feature is known as business hours routing and needs to be programmed Tadacip accordingly. A good VoIP carrier will ensure that you can set up new routing features with just a few clicks. It must also be flexible and open to modifications such as holidays and such. Most importantly, control should be placed in your hands if possible. This means that you can easily set up new rules or modify old ones in front of your computer as and when necessary – no need to contact the provider.

While this can be achieved with the click of a button in VoIP systems, just think of the hassle and cost involved in setting up a comparative system in a regular PSTN environment. The difference in effort is so great, that some VoIP providers offer this as a free feature with unlimited business rules allowed which can be created, modified and deleted at any time of the day!

Choosing the right carrier

You must insist on this feature whenever you choose a VoIP carrier. Find out the costs and customization and make your decision based on how easy it should be. For a business in today’s world, business hours routing is an indispensable tool.

Author Bio: Bhagwad is a specialist in Virtual PBX solutions. He’s also an expert in implementing VoIP systems with HD voice.

Category: Technology/VOIP
Keywords: Virtual PBX Solutions, VoIP systems with HD voice

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