How To Fit Exercise Into Your Daily Routine

It’s a well known fact that the UK has one of the longest working weeks in the world, which isn’t helped by the fact that we are the only country in the European Union who isn’t included under the EU’s working time directive, which states that no person can work more than 48 hours a week.

And although no person in the UK can be forced to work more than 48 hours in one week, this is not to say that people don’t.

Now with people working so many hours, it can be difficult to stay fit and healthy. Lunches will often be a shop bought sandwich full of saturated fats and high in salt and carbohydrates, whilst dinners – purely for the time and convenience factors – are regularly takeaways or microwave meals.

Furthermore, whilst, for instance, attending a gym in London is easy as there are so many, for someone who works long hours in the city, it can be seem impossible to be able to commit to attending one.

If all of this sounds familiar and you’ve decided that it’s time to do something about it but you’re not too sure how, take a look at the following points which all help you incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine.

1. Start walking – by far one of the easiest ways to start exercising is to walk more than you have done.

Not requiring for you to sign up to a gym in London or any form of health club, walking is the cheapest and easiest way to get fit and most people can manage to include at least 30 minutes of brisk walking into their lives each day.

Think about where you park if you drive to work – can you park further away? How about your lunch Kamagra Gold – can you eat it in a park where you can walk around for half an hour? Or maybe if you get the tube, can you get off a stop earlier?

2. Take the stairs – it’s simple and straightforward, but assuming you don’t work on the twentieth floor, stop jumping in the lift to get to your office. Instead, take the stairs and whilst you might feel out of breath to start with, you’ll soon be able to manage it effortlessly.

3. Wake 10 minutes earlier – by getting up 10 minutes earlier before you go to work, you’ll be surprised at just how much exercise you can do.

We’re not taking jogging or running here, but before you go in the shower, do a few repetitions of ten sit ups and ten push ups. Even if you can only manage two or three reps to start with, you’ll feel the benefit after only a few days.

It’s important to remember that irrelevant of how much exercise you do, you need to be eating a healthy diet. You can spend hours each day exercising, but if you’re diet is one that is full of fats and sugars, you’re not going to feel a great deal of benefit.

Ditch the unnecessary salts, lower your carbohydrate intake and limit your fats – it’s a simple procedure, it’s easy to do when you know how and along with increasing your daily exercise, can have a substantial affect on your fitness levels.

Author Bio: For more information about gyms in London, visit the Fitness First website.

Category: Fitness
Keywords: gym, health clubs, fitness

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