Investing in Your Future with a Master Level Esthetics Education

As you think about your future in the beauty and skin care industry, don’t settle for simply getting your estheticians education when you can easily advance your career as a master esthetician. As you deliberate the options for your future, consider some rudimentary information you need to know in order to make the right decision for you.

How much longer do I need to go to school?
You may want to look into your state’s requirements to receive the master esthetics certificate. Basic programs may require 600 hours of course work (which equates to roughly four months of full-time schooling) to test for your certification. Advanced programs aimed at preparing individuals for a master license examination may take roughly twice as long, but pay off in dividends with more job opportunities and higher wages in the end.

Do many schools offer the masters curriculum?
Some schools that offer a wide variety of programs in beauty (cosmetology, make up artistry, etc.) may not offer an advanced esthetics program. Where I’m from in Utah, esthetics schools focused solely on skin care technology provide both levels of training and outnumber schools without a master esthetics track.

What’s the difference between a regular and a master esthetician?
In addition to skin care treatments and analysis methods, master estheticians learn more complicated procedures like laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and laser skin resurfacing. These treatments merit more skill and medically based expertise.

Can I expect to make more money when I become a master esthetician?
Entry-level estheticians typically earn somewhere between $20,0000-$30,000. Those with a master certification and education may find positions earning upwards of $40,000 and $50,000 especially with some experience under their belt.

What types of job opportunities are available for master estheticians?
The baby boomer generation now faces their golden year with reluctance, and even denial. Skin care treatments and procedures aimed at turning back the hands of time are therefore in high demand. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics also projects that esthetician positions will continue to increase steadily through 2014.

Master estheticians may also seek to work in the medical field based on their increased knowledge base. Dermatologists and laser centers often employ master estheticians to carry out and assist with patient care and recovery. Regular estheticians usually do not possess the skills necessary to complete most medical esthetician duties.

For a relatively minimal amount of time and effort, you can put your career on the fast track by completing your master esthetics training. Many individuals come back later to further their skills and qualifications at the master level later in life, so why not get your training done all at once to jump-start your career?

Author Bio: Utah esthetics school whose objective is to provide students the highest quality education and state-of-the-art training available in both the basic and master esthetics fields. We provide the latest teaching materials, techniques, Brand Cialis and products available in the esthetics field.

Category: Beauty
Keywords: utah esthetics schools, master esthetics

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