Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment — Taking Away The Pain

Itching, pain, swelling and bleeding occurs if you have hemorrhoid. All of this is because of constipation or straining during bowel movement. Once you have the hemorrhoid, it is hard to pass out your stool. It is very painful and sometimes you cannot really tolerate it that is why it is important to come up with the right hemorrhoid treatment.

Herbal medicines are effective for treating symptoms of hemorrhoids, however you should also take steps to treat the conditions cause. Some causes include dehydration, standing or sitting for long periods, straining for bowel movements, constipation, obesity, lack of exercise and dehydration. Since the main cause of hemorrhoids is straining during bowel movements and constipation, you should be sure you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables in order to get enough dietary fiber to avoid both.

One of the best natural hemorrhoid treatment is to eat foods that are rich in fiber. There are lots of foods that you can eat such as fruits and vegetables. Foods that are rich in fiber can help you avoid straining during bowel movement. This will help you avoid your hemorrhoid to get irritated.
Here are the common Natural treatment For Hemorrhoids

Butcher’s Broom

This healing herb is popular for it’s ability to heal not only varicose veins but hemorrhoids as well. The active ingredient is ruscogenin so you want to make sure there is about 10% of that in whatever product you buy.

Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant has long been known for it’s medicinal abilities in soothing anything from sunburns to .. well .. hemorrhoids! You just have to get the gel and apply it directly to the affected area or make a juice out of it. Whichever of these two ways you will surely get rid of the pain and the bleeding of your hemorrhoid.

Witch Hazel

Helps to control swelling as well as bleeding. You can put it Kamagra jelly right on the area – it can be found as a cream or liquid. It should be applied 3 times Tadalis SX daily until symptoms disappear.


One great herb for treating hemorrhoids, whose name actually implies it’s use, is pilewort. It tonifies the blood vessels plus stops bleeding. Pilewort may be taken internally as an alcohol based tincture or even a tea and it can also be applied externally as an ointment.

Pine Bark And Grape Seed

The swelling of your veins is what causes hemorrhoids to be so painful and pine bark and grape seed contain anthocyanins and proanthocyanins which help with the integrity of your veins, therefore helping to keep hemorrhoids in check. You can also get anthocyanins and proanthocyanins through eating more berries such as blackberries, blueberries and strawberries and also cherries.

There are lots of natural hemorrhoid treatment that you can apply, so why take the pain if there are some effective that you can use. You do not have to tolerate the pain of having a hemorrhoid because there are lots of treatments that can help you get over the pain.

Author Bio: John Limbocker is an Internet marketer for For more details and information about Natural Hemorrhoid Treatments, simply go to

Category: Health/Alternative Medicine
Keywords: Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment

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