Reading Improvement Strategies That Enable Reading Speed Increase

Being able to read quickly is a result of the combination of a number of skills e.g. good vocabulary, great comprehension, etc. If you’re a person who reads slowly, you should not lose hope as there are techniques that can help give you a significant reading speed increase. Remember that when you know how to speed read, you can read more. You’ll also be able to finish tasks that involve reading in a shorter amount of time, giving you extra time to engage in other activities e.g. surfing the Web, chatting with friends, and so on. To start reading at a speedier manner, employ these read faster tips:

Strategy #1: Avoid eye regression.

One of the reading improvement strategies you should utilize is to keep your eyes from regressing. This means that you should see to it that your eyes keep moving forward to the next set of words on the page. By always going back to a word or two, the total amount of time it takes for you to read a book will just increase. Refraining from eye regression, therefore, is a good technique for reading speed increase.

Strategy #2: Set a goal and always think of that goal for you to be motivated.

Individuals who want to learn how to speed read should set goals in terms of how much improvement they want in their speed of reading. To be able to determine a goal, part of read faster tips is to time how long you read a page in a book. For instance, if you find out that you’re able to complete a page in 20 minutes, your goal should be to finish reading that page in lower than 20 minutes e.g. 15 minutes, 10 minutes, etc. Keep track of your reading time and use that as a form of motivation. When you’ve improved on your speed, don’t forget to congratulate yourself.

Strategy #3: Take in more words little by little.

One of the reading improvement strategies that pave the way to reading speed increase is for you to take in an increasing amount of words when you read little by little. For example, if you notice yourself seeing two words in a page, practice looking at three words at a time. Once you’re able to do that, move on to four words, then five words, and so on. This activity is actually one of the most effective read faster tips for as long as you don’t push yourself too hard.

Strategy #4: Pick a silent reading Levitra spot – one that has no distractions.

Another vital technique on how to speed read is to read in an area that is free from noise, unnecessary sounds, and the likes. Reading, after all, requires concentration, and, if there are distractions in your reading place, you can’t expect to be able to read quickly and with great comprehension. Thus, among the most important reading improvement strategies for people who want to speed-read is to read in a place that’s quiet and relaxing.

Achieving reading speed increase is not impossible just as long as you put into practice the read faster tips explained in this writing piece.

Author Bio: Karen Winton has great reading and comprehension skills. To start becoming a speed reader, learn from: Reading Speed Increase. Another resource on reading speed increase is: Extreme Speed Reading.

Category: Hobbies
Keywords: reading speed increase, reading improvement strategies, how to speed read, read faster tips

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