Stopping an Online Game Addiction

What comes to your mind when you think of the word “addiction”? Think of the ones that come to your mind immediately.

You might be thinking the word could be associated with alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or pornography. These are all great answers, and things that can destroy people’s lives when their mind creates a dependency for them.

A horrible addiction that you might not think of that is plaguing millions of people are online video games. How could a harmless computer game destroy someone’s life, you might ask yourself?

It’s quite simple, actually. An online game might be so exhilarating and fun to a person that they decide that it takes precedence over everything else in their life.

That includes parents, friends, school, and sometimes even food or sleep. Now you can see why it could become a problem.

You might play a lot of online games, but there are some telltale signs that show that you have a real addiction and a real problem. Here are some of those signs:

Do you play your specified game at least 10 hours a day? Is playing your game the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you do before you go to bed?

If you’re in school, do you constantly slough off your homework, which is making your grades slip? Are you having tantrums amongst your parents or Cialis Jelly siblings if they interrupt your gaming time or try to cancel it altogether?

If one or any of these apply to you, then you probably have a serious addiction. Luckily, this problem can be fixed.

It might not be as serious a problem as a hardcore drug or hardcore pornography, but it can definitely be a hard obstacle to overcome. Here are some things that you can do once you realize that you have a problem and you need to overcome it:

The first thing you need to realize is that you can’t quit cold turkey. That would probably be almost impossible!

Just think of how hard it would be to quit smoking cigarettes or drugs cold turkey. It is the same thing with video games.

That is why you have to gradually wean yourself off of the habit, little by little. Nobody will judge you if you are still playing video games but are slowly lowering the amount of time that you spend with it.

Next, you need to prioritize your life and realize the things that are the most important. If it helps, you can get a pen and a piece of paper and write down this list.

Put on the top of the list the things that are the most important and will do you the most good. This could include schoolwork or spending time with your family.

Work your way down the list. If you are doing it right, your video game should be at the bottom of the list, because while it is fun, it is not necessary for your physical and mental well-being.

Once you have the list, you can use it each day as a sort of daily planner to help prioritize your time. Only play online games if you have given attention to everything else on the list.

Now that you have the habit of prioritizing important things, you need to stick with it! Getting over an addiction takes time, and you need to take that time.

Many people say that it takes 21 days to break a habit. Depending on the nature of your addiction, it might even take longer.

Be patient with yourself and don’t get frustrated if you don’t see results within a couple days. Remember, patience is a virtue.

Finally, you need to remember to stay away from people or places that could get you back on the habit. That means not spending as much time with your friends who are also avid gamers.

They might make fun of you or pressure to play more than you have intended to for that day. You also need to stay away from places that could get you back on the wagon.

This might mean spending less time on the computer, even if you are doing things like e-mailing or checking social networking sites. These sites might not be bad, but if you get antsy you are only one click away from engulfing yourself in your gaming world.

Author Bio: Ignacio Lopez worked in the information technology business for the last 31 years and written hundreds of articles about computer support. He recommends using Tech support Charlotte for your IT needs.

Contact Info:
Ignacio Lopez

Category: Hobbies
Keywords: Tech support Charlotte

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