Take Charge of your own Health and Happiness

We all want to be thin, beautiful, active, happy and involved, but how to you make that change if you are a sedentary person without a lot of energy? We first have to accept responsibility for ourselves and take charge of our own well being. We have been given these incredible machines called bodies that need nurture, care and nutrition, this is where the state of well being begins.

To be thin isn’t necessarily motivation enough for most people, most people would be happy if someone waved a magic wand and made us that way, but even if they could chances are we would go back to the way we were eventually. People who have had stomach by-pass, or lap bands show this time and again. We have to truly want to be thin more than we want the emotional connection with our food. Food makes us feel good, it is comfortable, it doesn’t ask anything from us, just taste good and brings comfort. We have to reverse this thinking and I think one way to do that is to focus not on being thin, but on being healthy. Feeling good, having energy and being active are more motivating than an different pant size. If you were thin and still had no energy, where would you be? No where. So, the focus is on you, happy, healthy, outgoing, active you.

How do you achieve that? By eating foods that come from the earth. Leaving the processed foods at the store, the fast foods at the restaurants and just eating lean meats and produce. Shop at the outer perimeter of the store, leave the processed, chemical substitutes for food at the store. If what you are buying has more than about five ingredients, leave it there. Foods from the earth are for the body, foods from factories are not. Try to cook using real ingredients, not boxes and prepared foods. It is cheaper and so much healthier. You will begin to notice a change fairly soon, after making the switch and demons like colon cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure won’t be bothering you. You husband and children might complain at first, but with diversity and options of healthy food, they will soon come on board.

As we eat better, we feel better, we have more energy and begin to want to be more active. The more active we become the better we feel so we want to reward our bodies with healthy food, it is a possitive cycle instead of the sedentary cycle of overeating, sitting, overeating, sitting feeling terrible so we eat more and sit more. That is the negative cycle. Go for a walk, have a salad, watch the dressing, go for another walk, barbeque chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon, play bad mitten with the kids in the back yard and round and round goes the positive cycle. Chiropractors seem to understand this cycle and can help you with the details and overall enactment of it. Chiropractors in Frisco have been trained for overall well being of the body and are experts in helping you implement the change necessary for a healthy, active life style. Brand Cialis Now is the time to take ownership of your health, your life and your happiness.

Author Bio: Chalmers Wellness is a completely holistic family chiropractic and natural nutrition facility in Frisco, TX.

Category: Health/Alternative Medicine
Keywords: chiropractor Frisco, Frisco chiropractor

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