The Safety of Lasik

One of the biggest misconceptions about LASIK surgery is that it is something that everyone can have. This is definitely not the truth. Not every person, or every eye, is a good candidate for LASIK surgery, which is why there is screening. When the surgery was first available, ophthalmologists tended to poorly screen their patients, as they were excited about being able to offer a new, seemingly permanent eye solution. The side effects and problems that can occur, however, quickly became apparent, and Viagra Jelly now screening is extremely strict.

If you have had a consult to have LASIK surgery, and your ophthalmologist has said that you are not a good candidate for surgery, then you should believe them. There are a number of reasons why you may not be a good candidate, which ranges from your health to the type of eye problems that you have. If you don’t listen to the surgeon and have the surgery anyway, there are some bad scenarios that can occur.

Side Effects

One thing to remember is that a side effect is not the same as a complication. A side effect is something that is temporary and doesn’t occur for too long of a time. It may make you uncomfortable, but you know that it will end. When it comes to LASIK, this can include things like dry eyes and a scratching feeling. This feeling does go away within a few days, and the more you pay attention to the type of things that your surgeon tells you to do, the more likely you are to not have to deal with these side effects for long.


There are some complications that can occur when you have a LASIK surgery. It’s important to remember that any type of surgery, no matter how minor, comes with a risk of complications that could occur, and the risk of complications with LASIK are fairly minor, but when they do happen, they can be frustrating to deal with. One of the most common complications is an infection. An infection that occurs underneath the corneal flap can be avoided by the antibiotic eye drops that you’re prescribed, but not everyone uses them. Faulty flap healing is a problem that can also occur, but not everyone has this problem, and it is one that can be easily corrected by another surgery.

More serious problems and complications include corneal ectasia. This is a serious problem that will cialis price need to be continually treated by your eye doctor. It may seem as though there are very few complications that can occur from LASIK surgery, but the truth is that these complications can be very serious, which is why it is extremely important to make sure that you listen to your ophthalmologist when they tell you whether or not you’re a good candidate for the surgery, as a good candidate will have much less of a chance of having these types of complications occurring after they have the surgery.

Author Bio: Roger Ubik is a leading advocate for education in the eye care industry. Individuals in the Austin area considering Lasik surgery should take care to find a trusted & experienced surgeon.

Category: Beauty
Keywords: LASIK, Laser eye Surgery

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