Who Has Created The Pharmaceutical Monster

Over the past 5 years I have had the chance to speak with thousands of cancer patients and believe it or not, over 80% (this is my own estimated guess) did not want to know that there is a possible cure for cancer, if it involved a change of lifestyle, restriction to their dietary habits, increased exercise, resolving emotional issues and so forth. If detox and coffee enemas are mentioned most patients panic and run for a doctor in the hope of a pill or injection to rescue them.

“DOC give me a pill but please don’t ask me to change my lifestyle!”

“If you think I would give up my Twinkies, just to survive cancer. OH NO! That’s not possible. ”

I don’t believe blaming the Pharmaceutical or the Food Industry or the FDA and all other organizations is correct. They just supply what’s in demand. Whether it works or not, does not matter! No one cares anyway!

We have to turn this pointing finger by 180 degrees and Viagra Professional point it to ourselves.

Our own CONVENIENCE has given them the right to be what they are today.

POWERFUL MONSTERS which become stronger with every act of convenience. As they have held the power for so long, they are certainly not willing to step back without a fight. If they feel that you are not yet strong enough to drop your convenience, they will continuously intimated you in the hope you shut up and return as a paying customer.


If intimidation doesn’t work, all it takes is to hold some “Perfectly Constructed Evidence” (corporate funded research) under your nose and you’ll believe once again that the pharmaceutical companies know best.

Your own IGNORANCE to the fact that pills, tablets and any other forms of drugs have not cured any form of disease in the past 50 years, gives them the right to be a SUPER MONSTER. They are perfect in treating symptoms and covering up the disease by creating hundreds of side effects, but HEALING IS A TOTAL DIFFERENT BALLGAME!

OK OK! I’ll stop, but I hope, you’ve got my point.


We are in charge if we do not depend on them any more. If we step up and empower ourselves with wisdom and knowledge. There are hundreds of stunning teachers out there to help us understand the concept of HEALING and health. They are happy to guide you.


Author Bio: Marcus Freudenmann. Over the past 5 years I have interviewed doctors experts and specialists in the field of holistic cancer healing. The result is a film which can be seen at http://cancer.maxawareness.com/members/

Category: Health/Alternative Medicine
Keywords: healing cancer, pharmaceutical drugs, holistic cancer, cancer healing,maxawareness, marcus freudenmann,

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