Understanding Personalized Supplements

Generally, it is customary for us to have daily health supplements. Often, we take the advice of a friend or family in choosing which supplements we should take. Regularly, we are bombarded with advertisements on television, radio, newspapers, magazines and billboards on the latest supplements to hit the market.

At times, our doctor would also prescribe the brand of such products.
However, every individual is unique, and this can be proven by our Kamagra Gold DNA. Because each person has different DNA, it is only logical to infer that not all supplements could work for everybody. Even the medical doctors who prescribe health supplements rely on educated guess and hope that the ingredients listed on the prescribed products would work well on the patients. On us.

Thankfully, in 2003, the Human Genome Project was completed. This development paved the way for many opportunities and beneficial applications. By being able to map and analyze the DNA of an individual, it is feasible to determine his or her strengths and weaknesses.

Since two years ago, a bio-tech company has customized products based on an individual’s genetic makeup. After 15 years of extensive research, GeneWize Life Sciences has produced a system so an individual can map her DNA, which after evaluation by the scientists, shall be the basis for formulating personalized health and nutritional supplements, medicines and nutrition.

This is accomplished by purchasing their DNA assessment kit. You can do it at home by swabbing your inner cheek with cotton swab and mail it to their laboratory. All materials are sterilized and provided in the kit. After a few weeks, the company’s laboratory will send back to you the result of your DNA profiling, along with a report on 12 areas that are associated with anti-aging and performance.

The report is color-coded as green, yellow or red. The green indicates that your DNA does not need additional support, while the yellow suggests a necessity in support. The red is a warning that you need a maximum support on that area.

With DNA mapping, you will know which areas you are strong and weak. In case you need additional support on some areas, you will also know how much you need. Hence, in formulation for your personalized supplements, your genetic makeup is the foundation. The personalized health supplements are specifically designed for your needs.

So, after you have received your DNA mapping results, you will receive your first three month’s or monthly supply of personalized health supplements based on your genetic composition, and which seek to enhance the areas that needed supplementary nutrition.

Many people have found the DNA profiling to be beneficial as it offers the chance to choose the lifestyle that would bring the optimal health conditions for them. So, if you are made aware of your predisposition to diabetes, certainly, you would make the necessary steps to augment your health and immune system, thereby, mitigating the risks of contracting such diseases.

Also, you can have more savings if you knew which supplements you should take, now that you have understood there is no one size fits all health supplements.

Author Bio: One Simple Mission:
“Helping You Write Your Own Paycheck Using the Power of the Internet…”;

Visit: http://http://www.PowerOfDNA.com

For more information on personalized medicine, contact Charles & Jim at Jim@YourDNAStrategy.com

Visit: http://www.PowerOfDNA.com/welcome

Category: Health/Medicine
Keywords: DNA, personalized health supplements, personalized supplements

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