Winter Work Gloves

Winter gloves are a must, especially in the colder climates. If you are a person who works outdoors every day, winter work gloves should be tops on your list of equipment that you need. Prolonged exposure to cold weather can cause many complications other than discomfort. There is always the possibility of frostbite as well.

Winter work gloves come in many designs and materials. Some are water proof, some chemical resistant and others are both. It is important to choose the correct type for the work you are doing. It does not matter if you are working in a chemical plant or on a construction site, the proper gloves can save your hands from damaged.

Leaving hands unprotected can lead to injuries such as abrasions and punctures. This along with frostbite or extreme drying and cracking of your hands are all things to be considered. Winter work gloves have some specific standards. OSHA has developed ratings that manufacturers must adhere to. The winter gloves are tested and then given a classification. The tests are based on heat and abrasion resistance.

If you are taking a new job, you may not be sure what type of winter gloves you will need. Ask the other employees or your supervisor what type of winter work gloves they would recommend. Knowledge of the potential hazards is key to keeping those hands safe. Hands are probably the most neglected part of the body, and they are very susceptible to injury.

The type of winter work glove you need will be determined by the type of work that you do. Perhaps you are in construction and have constant exposure to the elements. That along with the need for manual dexterity will be factors in the type of winter gloves you need.

If you spend only part of your time outdoors, No prescription cialis for instance, on a loading dock, you may look for other features. Do you handle chemicals? If so you will want winter work gloves that adhere to the strictest OSHA recommendations for your protection.

Prices for winter work gloves range from the $20 category up to the $80 category. What you pay will of course depend on what you can afford. However, can you work with injury to your hands. For this reason, the least expensive may not be only a waste of money, but also a safety hazard. It’s a big chain of events. You need to work. In order to work safely you will need the right protection.

Winter gloves come in many fabrics from leather to Kevlar and everything in between. As predicted, the Kevlar gloves are more puncture resistant than wool or some of the thinner leathers. Considering the tools you use in construction, having puncture-resistant gloves is essential.

Linings of the winter gloves vary as well. Thinsulate or wool are good linings. Perhaps padding for added protection. The variety is quite wide and all of these gloves are available with a quick search on the internet. Be an informed consumer and check the OSHA standards and the ratings of the gloves you are considering. Be sure they have all the features you need.

Author Bio: Gloves by Mail is committed to providing a selection of gloves to meet your specific needs for home or work. There are numerous types of work gloves to meet every need for hand protection, comfort, style and to protect from specific hazards.

Category: Hobbies
Keywords: winter work gloves, winter gloves, winter leather gloves, warm winter gloves

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