Core Strength After Childbirth

Pregnancy is a rollercoaster-ride of changes to the female body, not least of which is the expansion of the abdomen to fit the growing baby. As the belly stretches, so do the muscles that cover it. These muscles are then held in a stretched position until the baby is born, and because of this will lose some strength and elasticity. This article will guide you towards regaining a toned abdomen post-childbirth.

The Myth of the Six-Pack

Most people know about the coveted “six-pack” called the rectus abdominus, and they lie uppermost on the abdomen, so they are often considered a sign of health and core strength. However, there are several other muscle groups that make up the abdomen, and are equally important for overall core health.

Picture the abdomen as a precious package that holds within it many major systems of the body (like digestion and reproduction) but without the protective covering of the ribcage. It would make sense to wrap this package in every direction, the way you would wrap a package in tape, to provide the greatest coverage for those important organs. In addition to the “six-pack” muscles, there are two sets of opposing diagonal muscles that wrap around the sides of the torso. There’s also a wide band of muscle that wraps horizontally like a cummerbund and attaches onto the back of the body. All of these muscles overlap each other to provide maximum coverage to the precious organs (and precious baby in utero!) beneath. And so they all need strengthening to create a support system for the lower back.

What Happens To Muscles After Childbirth

During pregnancy, these different layers of muscles get stretched to accommodate the growing baby. For about one-third of all pregnant women, the “six-pack” muscles will actually split down the middle at some point during pregnancy, labor, or delivery, a condition called diastasis recti. Although not especially dangerous, this condition does tend to lead to greater lower back pain, as the core muscles are not able to work as effectively. Viagra Professional After childbirth, the abdominal muscles are no longer being held in that stretched out position, but they have lost a lot of their elasticity and strength. Apart from our vanity that propels us to get that “six-pack” back, we need all of those muscles to support the body while taking care of the baby’s many and varied needs!

1. Relieve Lower Back Pain with Self-Massage If you are currently experiencing lower back pain, I recommend self massage at home with self massage tools like a ball or roller. You’ll experience the relief of deep muscle relaxation after only a few sessions.

2. Begin A Core Strength Routine To build core strength, begin to add yoga fitness to your daily routine with a beginner yoga dvd.

3. Get Stronger and Stronger! For a more advanced core strength program, you can increase the difficulty of your routine with a more challenging yoga exercise program.

A strong and well-functioning core after childbirth will not only support your lower back but will increase your overall health and energy!

Author Bio: Sarah Court is a Certified Yoga Tune Up® Teacher. Experience yoga fitness exercises that help you live better in your body!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: core, core strength, core strength exercise, yoga exercise, yoga stretches,

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