Giving up Smoking: How the World is Stopping Smoking For Better Health

It has been accepted the world over that smoking tobacco endangers the health of those who smoke and those around them. In this article we look at some of the things many governments are doing to encourage their citizens in giving up smoking.

Those who are giving up smoking can be comforted by the fact that the community at large embraces the good intention, especially as anti-smoking bans, campaigns, and laws are becoming more common. It isn’t a fad nor can it be called jumping on the bandwagon. More and more people are being made aware of the fact that smoking is a serious menace to health. This habit not only affects the doer but those around him too. Second hand or passive smoking is known to deliver the same health risks that smokers have, sometimes even with more adverse effects. Recent studies have also shown that second hand smoke affect household pets as well.

Giving up smoking is usually more successful if both the individual and those around take part in the process. Targeting the root of the evil habit is a starting point. Parents must set examples for their children. If they can’t shake off the habit of lighting Cialis a cigarette, the least theycould do is not to smoke in the same room or in the view of their kids. This not only avoids children thinking that smoking is ok but prevents dangerous second hand smoke from being inhaled by them

Mass media is a big culprit in the glamorisation of smoking though not as much as it used to be in this more enlightened age. A lot of adolescents start and then resist quitting smoking because their self-image is more important than their future health. It needs to be hammered home to them that smoking isn’t as glamorous, cool or sophisticated as they think that it is. This is where information dissemination steps in. It plays a vital role in spreading awareness about the health dangers. Public campaigns, educational programs, and anti-smoking advertisements by celebrities have increasingly gained public interest and acceptance. It is fundamental to make it clear that smoking does no one any good. Keeping youths busy and productive allows them to steer clear of smoking and other similar vices.

Even the workplace has forced employees into giving up smoking. Some companies set “No Smoking days” while others prefer hiring non-smokers though that could be called discrimination if they make too much an issue of it. Governments all over the world have made a lot of effort to give smoking the bad image it deserves. Numerous bans and anti-smoking ordinances have been drafted and passed. In a lot of countries, smoking in public areas is prohibited and smokers must only smoke in designated areas – away from the public. Also, cigarette companies are required to post warnings on their products with regards to the effects they have on the consumers. Some of those warnings are graphic pictures of damaged body parts like lungs and mouths they show you what is happening to your body when you light up. If the laws are violated, punishment and fines await the perpetrators. Smokers may feel increasingly ostracized nowadays but it’s time for them to realize the damage this addiction may cause and that it should be put to an end.

Author Bio: Learn more about smoking effects and giving up smoking and discover how I finally quit after 40 years of smoking and many attempts to stop at Giving up smoking is not easy

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: giving up smoking, stopping smoking, nicotine addiction, quitting smoking, quit, tobacco

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