How Kids Can Use Martial Arts to Gain Self Confidence

When attempting to explain how kids can use martial arts to gain self confidence it is important to understand that the arts are not what you view on television. Training in martial sports is a non violence based art. There are many different forms of martial arts all of which will teach children with moral understandings and vastly improve their self esteem.

There are numerous advantages to enrolling a child in martial arts such as it will provide leadership, build self esteem, confidence, respect, courtesy, concentration and self discipline. In reality the children involved with martial arts are often times in a safer sport than some of the basic school sports. It is a team sport that provides with both mental and physical activities.

For children with special needs, for example those with a learning difficult or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning the participation skills required in martial arts is a great way to teach them structured techniques while allowing them to participate in a well coordinated sport.

Choosing which form of to enroll your child in should reflect who the child is and which would be best suited for their personality. Some of the sports are geared with more of a sparring center while others are geared toward a slower and more defensive style.

Japanese style trainings include Karate, Jujitsu, Aikido and Judo. Karate focuses on the building of endurance, strength and uses aggressive and definitive moves. They may use weapons and the sport features moves such as blocking, sparring, kicks, strikes, chops and punches. Jujitsu also employs defensive and aggressive moves as well as extensive weapons training and sparring. Aikido is taught on the foundation of disabling the aggressor without attacking, it does not use sparring or competitions and has a style of harmonious or spiritual for redirection. Judo is considered to be one of the safest methods in training of defensive arts. They participate in competitions, use wrestling style gentle movements and place an emphasis on both mental development and physical control.

Martial arts from China are Kung Fu which a generic term applied to the various styles of the Chinese defensive arts. These teachings include movements of attack along with defensive techniques such as chops, punches, kicks, falls, throws, leg sweeps, blows, grappling and numerous others. They also participate in many sparring competitions.

Taekwondo is the Korean form which has an emphasis on force, attack methods, strength and is competitive with techniques requiring unique high kicks and elaborate footwork. This particular style also engages in many competitions and sparring.

The various styles are great ways to explain how kids can use these trainings to gain self confidence as well as keep them in a sports activity that promotes physical durability, self esteem and excellent physical fitness. Children as young as four can be enrolled in a martial arts program. Determine which style would be the best for the child and research the various options in your area which should include comparing prices, instructors and number of other students.

Author Bio: This article was brought to you by Dustin Fennell at Martial Arts Equipment Direct, provider of high quality martial arts shoes, sparring shoes, and sparring gloves. Thanks for reading.

Category: Sports
Keywords: child Brand Cialis behavior, child well being, parenting advice, parenting

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