A History of Marijuana Foods

If you’ve grown up in the United States, you may be surprised to learn that the use of Cannabis has quite a long and illustrious history. Many United States’ anti-marijuana “activists” might have you believe that cannabis-use is a vice limited to hippies, deadbeats or liberal-arts college kids; yet some of the world’s oldest cultures have a rich history of smoking and cooking cannabis.

Cannabis in Ancient China

Many historians agree that the first cultural evidence of Cannabis comes from China, about 6,500 years ago. The Yang-Shao (the oldest known Neolithic culture in China) harvested cannabis seeds to be used as grains. The seeds were ground into meal, roasted whole or cooked into porridge. The ancient tombs of China even had sacrificial vessels filled with hemp seed for the afterlife.

Though the ancient Chinese did not incorporate cannabis directly in spiritual rituals, the effects of the plant’s resinous leaves and flowers (or buds) did not go unnoticed. The world’s oldest known pharmacopoeia, the P

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