Looking For Anti Aging Natural Solutions?

Looking for anti aging natural solutions? You may have some of them in your kitchen.

Most of the research over the years has been done by drug companies. Obviously, they wanted something they could patent. Since they cannot patent naturally occurring substances, they sometimes evaluated them, but they always changed them in some way.

A good example is the prescription wrinkle cream Retin-A. It is actually a synthetic form of vitamin A. Vitamin A creams were originally evaluated for treating acne. Because, people that have acne usually have lower than average blood levels of vitamin A.

After its release as an acne treatment, Brand Viagra the drug company learned that it was also effective for reducing wrinkles and other signs of age. The method of action is still described as “unknown”.

The drawbacks to Retin-A include redness, itching and irritation. Not to mention the price.

Comparative studies have shown that naturally occurring carotenoids are just as effective and do not cause side effects. Carotenoids are used by the body to make vitamin A. They are found in fruits, vegetables and other plants.

So, the carrots in your crisper drawer contain anti aging natural compounds. The only thing that you really need a cosmetic company to do is to extract the nutrients and emulsify them. That way, you can apply them easily and they will be absorbed fully.

Why Retin-A causes unwanted side effects is unclear. It could be simply because it is a synthetic vitamin and the body does not recognize it as a nutrient. It might also be because the active ingredient is mixed with propylene glycol, a petroleum-based ingredient and common allergen.

Petrochemicals abound in cosmetics of all kinds. They are cheap and readily available. It’s hard to find an anti aging natural solution. Even if they contain good ingredients like carotenoids, companies usually mix them with petrochemicals to create a base cream.

The most popular ingredient is petrolatum. It is found in practically every moisturizer on the market, even though it is not actually a moisturizing ingredient.

A few companies use grape seed and other plant-based oils for mixing and because they are effective moisturizers. Moisturizing the skin is one of the basic necessities for fighting the signs of age.

A few cosmetic companies have their own research and development teams. Since their goal is not to find a patentable compound, they have evaluated many anti aging natural ingredients.

According to their research, the antioxidant coenzyme Q10 is even more effective than carotenoids or vitamin A. While the drug companies may say that they do not know why Retin-A works, it is obviously due to the antioxidant activity.

Antioxidants work because they prevent and repair free radical damage caused by exposure to sunlight, smoke and other environmental toxins. The particles of coenzyme Q10 must be reduced in size in order to be effective. They won’t penetrate through the skin’s outer layers otherwise.

Some of the other anti aging natural solutions with proven effectiveness include kelp extracts and protein peptides. Take the time to learn more about them. Your skin will appreciate the effort.

Author Bio: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best firming skin care products available. The skin care product line she discovered uses a proprietary blend of all natural ingredients like Cynergy TK and Functional Keratin. To learn more visit her website http://www.DefendYourSkin.com

Category: Aging
Keywords: anti aging natural

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