Retro Fashion is Back – Are You Ready For It?

Anybody who follows fashion will be able to tell you that retro styles are back again. This is nothing new actually because fashions tend to keep coming back in cycles. These fashions give one so many options of dressing up, from garments and accessories to even make up styles and to a lesser extent, hairstyles.

Many people use retro fashions exactly as they used to be worn earlier. This is very easily done and all you have to do is buy the clothes you need from thrift stores. You can easily find clothes from the 60s and 70s, though the 80s are also becoming increasingly popular these days. You could also raid your parent’s wardrobes to find interesting pieces that you could wear.

The most popular vintage fashions are those belonging to the 60s and 70s, because this is the period most associated with freedom and creativity. The bell bottomed jeans, huge sunglasses and psychedelic prints of this period are forever associated with a certain type of music as well.

The heightened interest in all things retro, from fashion to cars to even video games, makes it very easy to obtain interesting things to wear. While some people copy the styles exactly, others who are more fashion forward merely adapt them to modern styles of dressing, thereby making them fresh and unusual. You don’t even have to dress exactly like you have been transported from the 60s. You could just pick up one retro piece and pick the rest of your clothes around it.

One great way to dress retro without overdoing it is to buy one classic piece like a well cut pair of flared jeans. Accessorize it with a great pair of vintage sunglasses or a bag, but wear a modern shirt or blouse with it. Don’t buy jeans if the flairs are extremely oversized because one has to admit that the style has dies out and will probably never come back again. Another option would be to wear a beautiful vintage blouse but with a modern looking skirt and with neutral footwear.

There is a lot of beautiful old fashioned jewelry that you could wear to call attention to yourself. The 60s were the period of beaded hippie jewelry that you still frequently get to see on the catwalk. Large pendants and dangling earrings from that period can still be worn to dramatic effect.

Take care to only wear those clothes that really suit you, irrespective of what the rest of the world is doing. Some of these clothes can be really unforgiving if you are very overweight. If this is the case, you could wear clothes that suit you well, but accessorize with vintage stuff like a scarf or handbag.

Many fashion designers also bring out vintage inspired collections and you can buy beautiful clothes that are modern but still pay homage to the past. Don’t be afraid to experiment and to take fashion risks, and always try to create a unique look for yourself.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Retro Images, Retro Graphics or Retro Pictures.

Category: Culture
Keywords: retro, fashion, vintage, accessorize, garments, jewelry

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