The Secret to Building a Rock Solid Marriage

When one reads about the growing divorce rate one really wonders why people get married in the first place. This thought is probably shared by lots of people because the marriage rate is steadily declining. In keeping with our use and throw culture, many people find the institution of marriage to be cumbersome and prefer to do away with it entirely. The irony is that being married has many advantages for the individual, not to mention that it is very good for the upbringing of children. You too can build a rock solid marriage if you work upon it hard enough.

These days the institution of marriage has come under attack from various sides. The loosening of social and sexual restrictions means that people are no longer compelled to get married in order to obtain sex and companionship. It also means that they are less likely to view marriage as a sacred bond. Modern marriages are definitely entered into for love, but there is no severe punishment for opting out of it.

The judicial system has also contributed to the pressure on marriage. It is no longer the rock on which the family unit is based, because children born out of wedlock get the same rights as those born within a marriage. Divorce has also become very easy to obtain.

The institution of marriage has lasted so long because people do realize that it contributes to the betterment of society. When marriages break down en masse society as a whole bears the brunt.

There are a few things upon which a rock solid marriage is built. The most important is mutual love and respect. The traditional patriarchal model does not take the aspirations of women into account and so is destined to failure. Everyone who enters into marriage should have a clear understanding that this relationship works best if the other partner gets all the encouragement and autonomy they need.

It goes without saying that this autonomy does not do away with the need for sexual exclusiveness. There is no way that a marriage can survive in a healthy manner if one or both partners are straying. The tendency towards instant gratification and selfishness has to be curbed in no uncertain terms. One will always find a better option if one is looking out for them. The key is to build upon the positive attributes of one’s partner to allow the love to flourish.

It is very important to maintain an atmosphere that allows open communication. This gives the partners in a marriage the opportunity to express their unhappiness without allowing resentment to build up and finally explode. A good sexual relationship is part of this and it can strengthen the marital bond like no other thing.

People who are fortunate to enjoy a rock solid marriage do not consider it a prison. Instead, they consider themselves blessed to have a companion who supports and loves them and gives them the opportunity to realize their dreams. Get into marriage for the right reasons and do your best to make it work and you too will enjoy an unbreakable marriage.

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Category: Culture
Keywords: rock, rock solid marriage, divorce rate, marriage rate, open communication, sexual relationship

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