Football Forums – What They Are and Who Uses Them

A forum, or message board, is defined as an “online discussion website”. The online software allows its members to post messages to one another.

The forums usually have a specific genre associated with them. One of the more popular subjects is a football forum, where users can chat about their teams, latest games, cup ties and matches.

These forums have been known to forge friendships, although football forums have been known to cause quite the opposite effect by fueling hatred and “flaming” between rival fans.

Some of the larger football forums on the Internet have as many as 30,000 regular members who post daily about their teams trials and tribulations. The more regular and trusted members often become ‘moderators’, who are a sort of super-user that can edit and delete posts, topics and categories, aswell as move topics to their rightful place on the forums, and just perform general maintenance. Being a moderator on a forum often brings kudos from other users, and as such it is quite a sort after position.

The die-hard fans who tend to use the football forums are generally the strongest supporters of the clubs, and are very often season ticket holders, or frequent matches on a regular basis. Because the forums act as a strong platform where fans can meet one another, they are often used as a very successful tool for organising trips to away matches and competitions.

There are lots of football forums on the Internet. Some of the forums cater better to different people’s tastes. For example, there will probably be a forum purely for the football team that you support, even if it’s a small sunday-league team. There are also forums with categories for every league in every country in the world. There really is something for everyone.

Because of the sheer size of the Internet as well as the popularity of football as a sport, there is a huge market for forums. Aswell as the huge amounts of people there are also a huge amount of tastes that cannot be satisfied with one large forum – some users will prefer the intimacy of a small forum with a select few users who all know each other, over the monolithic forums with thousands of new posts every hour.

For a lot of people a football forum will be the first web site that they visit, and one of the first activities they will do in the morning will be to check for latest posts on the forum about their team, or for replies on a specific topic. Football is so close to so many people’s hearts it is totally understandable that football forums get so much traffic and so much of a following.

Although football forums have brought a huge amount of joy and a great past time for so many people, they have been known to cause pain and destruction. Just like any other sort of social platform on the Internet, it can be open to cyber bullying. Most forums carry private messaging functions, allowing members to privately message other members – this can lead to users getting bullied in private, away from where moderators and administrators can control what is being said. As well as this, it has been known that football forums can be used by hooligans to organise crime against rival gangs and clubs.

Author Bio: Michael Griffiths is a founding member of the football forum – and a dedicated football fan.

Category: Sports
Keywords: football forum,soccer forum,football board,football

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