Internet Phenomenon – Twitter and Tweeting For a Living

You have probably heard about Twitter, and if you haven’t then here is the introduction ‘it’s the internet phenomenon’. It flew from nowhere and became the 36th most visited site in just three years. It grabbed everybody’s attention and in the Twitter bandwagon everybody is Twitting.

People from all over are registering for Twitter as if it is a matter of reputation. Popularity is measured according to the number of followers you have on twitter. Twitter is today’s biggest hype. Like other hypes, there are problems with twitter.

Twitter wants their bloggers to believe that they will always have an audience. I am here to state that you indeed do not always have an audience. You can tweet until your heart desires. However, this does not mean that anyone actually read your blogs. The chances of an abundance of people who read what you tweeted is not very good at all. The problem with Twitter is that it provides too many distractions when you follow a large number of people.

Bloggers who catch up on Twitter might want to reexamine why they do not have enough friends to email them. Is Twitter merely for those of us who are too bored with our regular lives? Maybe this can be said about most social networks however, Twitter does seem to contain numerous boring blogs and this is a serious problem with Twitter.

Most people blog because they can feel connected to other people who possibly share interests or particular “niches”. Twitter allows bloggers to follow their friends, family or people who they find interesting. The problem with Twitter is that if you are following a huge number of people, if each person that you are connected to twittered you once daily, this could prove bothersome as well as annoying.

Many celebrities have joined Twitter. Would it be safe to state that these celebrities are suffering from some type of angst? This within itself can be very depressing. I have often wondered at times if Twitter has literally paid famous celebrities to “Twitter”. Twitter seems to be more work than what it is actually worth. Another great suggestion of possible problems with Twitter is that one has to wonder, are the celebrities really twittering or are their assistants doing it for them?

Twitter is a waste of time which is the most important cause of all to abandon twitter. But many companies and websites are gaining traffics through twitter, we cannot say it as time waster. But it is a time waster for those who have turned it into their most preferred mental need. Keeping signed in all day long or twitting over stupid stuffs is, in fact, silly and idiotic. Some people in office are wasting time in Twitter. They are becoming a huge loss for the company so some companies have banned Twitter in the offices. Companies are undergoing the problems of Twitter too.

Then Twitter is at the same time ‘time consuming’. The RSS feeds, the conversations- you can follow all them and stay glued to the pc all day long if you want to as they are fun to do. But you can surely divert these problems with Twitter. You can just follow the stories that are related to your business, these won’t waste your badly but will utilize your time.

You can avoid problems with twitter very easily, if you have self control, good purpose and some natural human sense then it will not be hard. You can easily promote your product through twitter. You can observe the market from here so it is a good marketing tool. You can use this technology the way wants to, it’s all up to you.

Author Bio: Mark DeRosa is a nutition expert and writer for several online weight loss portals. To learn more about the hottest diet trends like Super Slim Diet Pills and Meizitang Slimming Capsule or Bodybuilding products like Gaspari Myofusion Protein, go to for more information.

Category: Jobs
Keywords: fruta planta, gaspari, weight loss, supplements, diet pills, ephedra, Botanical Slimming

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