Nursing Jobs – Helping Other People

Florence Nightingale established the standards for nursing jobs by tending to wounded persons during the Crimean War. The model originally developed to imitate her definitive actions was a general set of clinical skills to aid others. In modern times, nursing jobs still do involve a wide variety of skills but more specialization is needed as the medical industry grows.

In fact, there are more than 200 different nursing specialties and subspecialties. There is a need for registered and certified nurses. This is problematic because nurses are internationally in short supply.

The Difficult Environment of Nursing Jobs

Those in the nursing professions often find themselves working in a phenomenally difficult working environment. It is common for one nurse to have numerous patients to attend. If these patients were seen one at a time, it would be rather simple. The nurse instead holds responsibility over all of their lives and well-being at one time.

Beyond that, nursing jobs also require one to perform a number of tasks such as scrupulous paperwork. The time for patients and paperwork are not separate but instead occur simultaneously. This often leads to a cognitive overload.

The physical conditions of poor lighting and reading difficult handwriting can be frustrating and detrimental to one’s eye sight. Nurses are already pushed to the limit of human capabilities even though studies reveal that they could effectively perform the jobs of several practicing physicians.

Their Enigmatic Routine Explained

Unless you are a nurse yourself, the routine of a nurse is probably enigmatic. Assuming there is no crisis, the first objective upon clocking in is to check with the previous shift’s nurse about patients’ situations. This exchange of information establishes the patients’ conditions and needs.

Before actually seeing any of them, the nurse reviews the paperwork at hand by setting up treatment sheets and recording all the information just received. The rounds to patients begin after that.

It is the job of nurses to investigate their needs. The nurses develop the plan needed to address those issues and predict how the future will turn out. Strangers’ health and happiness are the interests of a nurse.

Nurses Save Lives

In a AHRQ-funded report performed by the Evidence-based Practice Center, it was found that the presence of nurses on staff was statistically pertinent. Lower staffing levels, regardless of personnel, are linked to a higher rate of adverse outcomes, the presence as well as the lack of staffed nurses was actually relevant.

The presence of a nurse reduced outcomes such as urinary tract infections, shock, bed sores, and pneumonia. The difficult task of being a nurse is in fact very important to the process of effective health care.

Nurses – Angles on Earth

While many nurses find the job rewarding – helping other humans and saving lives – there is a vacuum in the nursing job industry. These individuals who are often described as angels are in short supply and high demand. Because of this, the need for nurses will always exist and be forever increasing.

But one must wonder what will become of this healing profession? How will the sick be tended to when there are not enough nursing jobs being filled? One must wonder what Florence Nightingale would think about this development.

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Category: Jobs
Keywords: nursing jobs,staffed nurses,nurses save lives,nurses save

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