Classic Gaming Video Games

Video games will never ever fade. It is something that keeps people sane and happy though there are some downsides due to addiction to it. Almost every day, game designers produce new and astounding gaming video games that capture the interest of the people especially the kids and the teenagers. New models of video consoles are being produced and innovated. The famous ones are from the Sony PlayStation line, Xbox line, and the Nintendo family. Whether it is a handheld gaming console or a Wii, video games capture the child in each one of its players. However, classic arcade or video games should not be taken out of the picture. As a matter of fact, these classic or old gaming video games are the foundation of the gaming industry today. Besides, playing some classic will do some good to one’s body too.

Remember the 16-color graphics and the 8-bit sound of gaming? This was how video games were viewed way back when a dollar seemed to be a lot of money. If you were able to catch these classic video games, you may be missing them now for sure. But you don’t have to be sad for the fast innovations in gaming because these classic video games that you were playing when you were still young are still alive. Yes and you can actually play them online! Some of the top vintage games that can still be played online (as a matter of fact, some game consoles launch classic/ vintage games too and you can buy them on game disks) are as follows:

1. The Donkey Kong

The very first Donkey Kong arcade game is considered to be the place of legends. Some group of guys actually competes against each other for a Donkey Kong world record high score. The guy who actually played as the “Jumpan” in the 1981 Nintendo release (the tiny character that dodges the Kong’s barrels) is actually the now infamous man called Mario.

2. Super Mario Bros.

Who would ever forget this famous Nintendo game that almost every kid on the block has played with? The game never died and will never die at all. A lot of updates and innovations based from the original game are made and this legendary vintage game is still on the loop.

3. Pac-Man

Pac-Man is another great vintage game that will never fade away. It is a game that appeals to both sexes and is a very enjoyable arcade game that brings the entire thrill out in every player. Some news are going around the web saying that a Japanese game manufacturer is about to roll out a Pac-Man game for the iPad.

These are just a few gaming video games of the old school era. Some other famous ones are the Pong, Duck Hunt, Centipede, Missile Command, and the Asteroid.

Choosing your own gaming video games depends on your own preference. Some want to kick it old school, some are avid fans of newly released games while some prefer both. A real gamer usually prefers to play any type of game as long as it’s fun and interactive.

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Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: video games,gaming video games,gaming video,classic gaming video,classic video games

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