DreamHost Crontab – Set Up DreamHost Cron Job Using Panel

DreamHost is the web hosting provider. If you want to host your web site, you will need a good web hosting provider. Without the good hosting provider, you can’t make online business. Your hosting provider makes a lot of difference in your web site performance.

If you know what is web hosting then you might want to know about the cron job. Cron job are jobs done at scheduled time. Since most of web hosting providers uses linux system, you will get an option for setting up a cron job using crontab.

If you are very much technical guy then you can directly set the cron job using crontab command in the linux. For setting up the cron job in DreamHost, you don’t have to be a technical guy.

Dreamhost always makes steps easier for their non technical customers. If you don’t know how to use crontab command then use the dreamhost control panel to set up a cron job. Here are the few simple steps you need to do in order to set a cron job.

1) Login to your dreamhost panel using your web ID and password.

2) Once you login to the panel, click on the ‘Goodies’ section on the left panel.

3) Now click on the ‘Cron Jobs’ option.

4) You will be presented with a cron job set up page. Now click on the ‘Add New Cron Job’ on the page.

5) Select the user under with you want to perform your cron job. Please note that you must have ssh enabled for the user. If the SSH is not enabled then you won’t see that user under user’s list. So enable the SSH for that user first.

6) Once user is selected, give the title name to your cron job. You can give any title you want. The title is just for your reference. Use any descriptive title. So you will know for what you have set up the cron job.

7) Now enter the email address. If your cronjob generates any output and you want to check that then you should enter email address. You will be sent an output in email on the given email address. If you don’t want any email then just leave the email field blank and you won’t be sent any email.

8) Now give the command which ever you want to perform. Your command should not be longer than 1000 characters. Use the full path for the program files and input files. If you are not giving the full path then you won’t be able to perform the cron job.

9) Now there is an option for locking. Locking prevents the cron job from running more than once at a time. You should leave this checked if you don’t understand what is that.

10) And finally, select the scheduling. You can set the time when to run cron job. You can set up cron job for hourly, daily or weekly. You can also specify the exact time for running the cron job. For example, you can select to run cron job at 00:00(midnight) or 22:00 every day.

I hope you now know how to set up dreamhost cron job using dreamhost panel.

Author Bio: Dhruv Patel is a customer of DreamHost. He has created site to help new DreamHost customers and to promote DreamHost. Read more about DreamHost Crontab.

Category: Internet
Keywords: dreamhost, web, host, cron, crontab

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