The Long and Short of SMS Messages

SMS is an acronym for short message service; therefore, sms messages are ideally short (as can be concluded based on the name) but this is not necessarily what happens nowadays. The first cellular phones that became capable of sending short text messages to another phone can only manage up to one hundred characters so there was no way to make longer texts messages. But as newer models of cellular phones are released the number of characters that can fit in one text increased. This created a problematic scenario. What will happen when a phone with a bigger capacity texts one with lesser capacity? What happens is that the message is truncated into two or more messages. To make sure that the recipient can note whether he received the whole message, each part are labeled one of three (1/3), two of three (2/3) and three of three (3/3). These are things of the past. After realizing that every newly released model of mobile phone pushed the limits and that texters get annoyed when they cannot write their whole message due to the character limit, cellular phones were designed in a new way. Texters can now write messages as long as they wish. The number of characters in the long message is tracked by the phone to note how many sms messages it will be translated to. See the upper right portion of your phones when you text. There is a number written in fraction form. The number on top indicates the number of characters left in the current message frame and the number below indicates how many frames have you used. When you send this long mobile message, you will be charged by your service provider the value of x text messages where x is the number of frames used. When your friend receives the text, it is not broken down into parts as previously practiced. His or her phone will compile the parts into one complete text. He or she will know that the whole messages has not reached him or her through a phrase saying *some text missing*. This just shows that sms messages need not be constrained into one-liners when you are bursting with things to say. However, there are risks in sending long ones. The parts of the messages do not come altogether instantaneously so there is a big chance that the person will have to wait a while to find out what the *some text missing* is or worse, never get the second part of it.

The new frontier that is keeping text messages short is when the text is sent from a computer to a cellular phone. Programs or websites that allow people to text from computers for free have stingier limits that will bring texters back to the days of yore. The common limit is around 150 characters. To maximize this limit, people can text with vowels that are omitted or using camelback or removing the spaces and capitalizing the first letter of every word.

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Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: sms messages,short text messages,short text,cellular phones,text messages short

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