Complementing Your Personal Style With a Pair of Designer Eyeglasses

Designer eyeglasses serve two separate purposes. The first and most obvious reason to wear glasses is to help improve your vision. In addition to holding the lenses, many people have found that eyeglasses are also a useful fashion accessory. The right pair of glasses can completely change the way you look.

Eyeglasses, especially designer frames, are very expensive. You are going to be wearing them for several years. The last thing you want is to find yourself saddled with a pair of frames that you hate. You want to make sure that the frames you choose are both stylish and that they flatter your face.

When you are choosing your new frames, you will want to make sure that you can see as much of your face as possible. Avoid wearing large earrings Pull your hair back away from your face, and skip the turtle neck. You should also try to wear as little makeup as you possibly can. The more bare your face is, the better you will be able to tell if the frames flatter both your bone structure and your skin tone.

It is important to make sure that you have good light when you are choosing the frames. In addition to being as bright as possible, you also want to try to make sure that you are in natural lighting. Stay away from florescent lighting which can wash out your skin, the more natural the lighting is, the more likely you will be to pick out a color frame that best suits your coloring.

Even though it might be tempting to pick out a pair of frames that are a brilliant color, you should resist the impulse. If you are wearing the glasses for corrective purposes you will be wearing them all the time. The last thing you want is to pick out a pair of brightly colored frames that are going to clash with half of your wardrobe.

In addition to making sure that you choose a pair of designer frames that both complements your face and personal style, you also want to make sure that you look for a pair that is durable. Even the most careful person will occasionally have an accident that can put the frames in a perilous position.

Making sure that you have a pair of frames that are durable and also a little flexible. This will reduce the chances of them breaking or becoming misshapen if they fall off a nightstand or if your dog knocks them from your face. Be prepared for the unexpected!

When you are choosing your new pair of frames, you should try to set up a time when you can be accompanied by a close friend. The friend you bring along should be someone who has known you for awhile and who knows about the type of clothing you wear on a regular basis. Not only will the friend be able to help you decide which pair of designer eyeglasses best suits you face, they will also be able to determine which frames will also match your personal style.

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Category: Medical Business
Keywords: eye care, contact lenses, beauty, eye contacts,glasses, beauty, business, fashion,society, eyeglass

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