Developing a Lean Body For Life the Natural Way

Ever wanted those perfectly chiseled abs, firm legs and toned arms that you always see your favorite movie stars flaunting? Well it is a lot easier than you thought it was; these simple 7 steps should get you on your way to a lean body in just about a month.

1. Cardiovascular Training/Aerobic exercise
Cardiovascular/Aerobic exercise is nothing but any form of exercise that stresses on your body’s larger muscles, like your leg. Do not go by the difference in name, they are essentially the same set of exercises. Cardiovascular exercises increase the flow of oxygen to your muscles and this is one of the key factors that play a role in developing a lean body. An individual seeking cardiovascular training has two options – Outdoor and Indoor.

Outdoor cardiovascular exercises include jogging, bicycling, jump-roping, swimming etc., and indoor exercises include treadmills, stair climbers, stationary bicycles etc. A word of caution – intense cardiovascular training can backfire on you by making you lose lean muscle mass and eventually your metabolic rate too. It is always advisable to consult a doctor or a personal trainer regarding the intensity of training would be apt for you as this differs from person to person.

2. Control Food Intake
While major credit to a lean body goes to cardiovascular exercise, its effectiveness is determined by the diet which supports it. By diet, one does not literally refer to ‘dieting’, in fact it is not advisable at all. You need an average of at least 1600 calories to 2400 calories in food intake which varies according to your age and gender. This should be spread over the course of the day in five mini-meals. This not only keeps your digestion level at optimum but also reduces the chances of food craving that may occur.

3. Nutrition watch
An ideal diet should include 25-30 percent protein, 55-60 percent carbohydrates, and 15-20 percent fat. Protein is an important aspect of your nutrition watch as it is the nutrient most needed carry out cardiovascular activities. A study at University of Western Ontario found that by replacing calories from other nutrients with proteins one could drastically reduce blood cholesterol. You must also make sure you get a regular intake of vitamin B6, vitamin B12, magnesium, potassium, chromium, selenium, and zinc as they play a very important role is burning fat and building muscles.

4. Maintain water level in the body
We all know that water comprises 70% of our body. Unless the body is hydrated it cannot effectively convert fats into carbohydrates and eventually energy. It is advisable to consume at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day (which is about 1.8 liters) a day to maintain a healthy water level.

5. Keep a watch
By using a body fat scale or analyzer you can track how much unwanted fat you are burning. To lose about 1 pound of fat you need to either create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories or increase you calorie burning by 500 calories a day for one week. Make sure that you monitor yourself not just to track your progress but also to make sure that you don’t overdo it.

6. Decrease tension
One of the most important aspects of developing a lean body is that it does not happen overnight. It takes a good while for results to show. Don’t get tensed if nothing happens, increase in tension makes people over work which in turn reduces testosterone levels significantly.

7. Maintain a balanced lifestyle
Appropriate diet is just one side of the coin, but the other side is a healthy lifestyle. Keep in mind that an adult body needs minimum 8-9 hours of sleep daily. Avoid alcoholic drinks as much as possible, a drink or two once a week is fine. Completely refrain from junk food like fries and soda.

Author Bio: If you would like to sign up for a free trial at Bootcamp Sydney, or sign up for a free consultation at a Boot Camp in Sydney, visit Personal Training in Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Bootcamps Sydney

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