Things to Consider When Choosing Any Drink

Attending a party at a friend’s place or with your office colleagues is a regular thing. You don’t think twice before going for your favorite drink. You also tend to forget how many drinks you have taken and at what frequency – meaning, are you consuming slowly or you are guzzling on after the other. Simple questions, but they are important and have a huge impact on your health. Just consider the following factors and you will understand.

What does the drink offer you?

You should be aware that your body needs Proteins, Carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals everyday for growth and sustenance. Whenever you pick up a drink, just think what vital elements and nutrients it going to offer you. Like, a soft or a hard drink is going to give you more fats and carbohydrates and these are not good for your health if consumed in large quantities. Even fresh fruit juice should also be taken in moderate quantities everyday as more glucose is not good for your kidney and liver.

How much quantity is good for you?

It is important to know how much quantity of the drink you should consume, you must understand that excess of everything is bad and you have to know – how much is excess. In fact your body will tell you the excess when it stops accepting any more of the drink. In case you are having a soft drink, your body will send signals when your stomach stops accepting any more of it – you have to be receptive to these signals. Your head swirls, your tongue wavers and your legs wobble – it is time to say good bye to the drink.

Is it safe for your body?

This doesn’t mean that you have to do a chemical analysis of what you are going to drink. The precaution is about hygiene and physiology. You must keep yourself aware about the harms that can come to your vital organs – heart, liver, kidney etc. by drinking anything or everything. Every drink has good and bad effects – some have more good effects and some have more bad effects. Just keep the bad effects away from your body and consume the good effects in moderate quantities – remember, excess of good is also bad. Hard drinks should be avoided in large quantities and a regular frequency is also not good for the organs. In fact our organs have a cut-off point, beyond which their functioning gets affected and slowed down, eventually they get choked.

Is the ambience good?

You must keep a look at the general cleanliness of the place and people making and serving the drinks. The cutlery being used should be hygienically clean and the persons making and serving the drinks should be wearing gloves and clean clothes. The environment should be well maintained – enough ventilation and fresh air should be available. The place should not be overcrowded as it hinders the floe of fresh air and the atmosphere becomes stale.

If you apply these factors in practice, you will enjoy your drinks for a long time in your life – which itself is going to be longer.

Author Bio: If you would like to sign up for a Personal Trainer in Bondi or to register for a free Boot Camp consultation, visit Boot Camps Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer in Bondi

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