Twin Bunk Beds For Kids

Kids bunkbeds are all part of a fun, childhood experience. Every kid has begged their parents for a bunkbed – and why not? They remind us of days in summer camp or sleepovers and staying up late into the night to tell ghost stories, jokes, or the latest gossip.

While kids are just concerned with having fun, one of the biggest issues and concerns of parents when it comes to buying bunkbeds for the kids is safety. This is a valid concern because there have been so many documented injuries from bunkbeds every year. Most of them are minor like bumps or bruises, but some are serious enough to have caused death in the past.

So, if you’re looking to buy twin bunkbeds for your kids, here are some things you should look out for to ensure that your kids will have fun and stay safe on their new beds.

The most prevalent injury when it comes to bunkbeds is when kids fall out of the beds. This is less of an issue when it happens on the lower bunk; but when a child falls four to five feet down, injuries can be more serious. To minimize the risk, be sure that the guardrails are high enough and properly sized – gaps that are too large could cause kids to slip through. Guardrails on all four sizes of the bed: left, right, head, and foot aren’t a bad idea, either, to guarantee safety all around.

Next, be sure that the mattress you have is the proper size for the bed. Mattresses that are too small for the bed frame or bunk will cause mattresses to move around, kids to fall of the mattress and limbs can get stuck. In some cases, this can end in kids getting trapped in the bed and even strangulation. Aside from getting a mattress that fits properly, wooden slats and wires can help you secure the mattress to the bed.

Another important item to watch out for when it comes to bunk bed safety for kids is to ensure that the ladder is an appropriate size and easy for your child to climb up and down without any issues.

Finally, be sure to check the bed regularly to make sure everything is tightly fastened: screws and bolts keeping the wood, mattresses, and everything in place. It’s also important to set out rules for your kids to obey on the bunk bed: no horsing around, no jumping on the bed, no jumping off from the bed to the floor, and etc. These rules are not only of paramount important for their safety, but for your peace of mind.

To conclude, when you’re looking for twin bunkbeds, make sure you choose the right size, beds that have properly sized railings, securely fastened parts, and mattresses that fit well. Finally, ensure that the ladder of the bunk bed is properly secured and easy to use for your kids and be sure to check the bed every season to make sure everything is secure.

Author Bio: Twin bunk beds are a great way to save space in small rooms, as well as help build family relationships. In order to select the best kids bunk beds for your situation, be sure to measure the dimensions of your room, set the budget and choose the style that suits your needs best.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: kids bunk beds, twin bunk beds

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