What Should One Look For When Hiring A Webmaster?

Your site is in on the fritz and you’re in a bit of a tizz. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? The fire brigade? Dr. Phil?

Of course not!

You need a webmaster. A pro. Someone who can just fix that sucker with a minimum of fuss. No excuses, no procrastination, no mess-ups.

So what would someone like that look like?

1. Experience.

When you tell him the problem, he ought to be able to recall past experiences of it. “Oh yeah, that’s very common, I can sort that easily. I remember once …”. A webmaster who is a webMASTER should have years of experience in patching up websites.

This means uploading, updating, configuring and moving websites. You’d be surprised at how many little things have to work right for your website to go online and stay online.

Running a site can be very frustrating for a non-technical person. It’s a steep learning curve. There are a lot of disciplines to learn. A site owner should concentrate on ways to get more customers and thereby, more money. You don’t want to be messing about with HTML errors and column widths. A well-set-up site should not need constant fixing, anyway. Unless it’s earning a shed-load of money from a flood of customers!

2. Technical Proficiency.

A webmaster should be proficient in things like PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Cpanel, Linux, Photoshop and Apache web server. These are standard technologies used to tart up a website, get it online and keep in there. Usually, a website can be plain HTML or they can be PHP based or a combination of the two.

Some websites are completely script-based. These are called CMS (Content Management Systems). A popular one is WordPress. It lets someone who is not a webmaster to add content to a website, easily. The downside is that it needs a database called MySQL to store the data. This, plus the scripts, makes it more complicated. More complication means it’s more possible that something will break down.

This is when a webmaster steps in and sorts out the problem. He should also explain what the problem was and what he’s done to fix it.

3. Explains Things Simply.

There’s a lot of technical stuff that goes into running a website. Not everyone can grasp this. Some folks don’t even know how their PC works. This is not a failing. Many people don’t know how their motorcar works but millions of them drive to work and back again happily daily.

Web technical matters can be explained in simple language. As long as your webmaster does what you want, that’s the main thing. However, it helps if you know what he’s doing. A bad webmaster obscures what he does so you don’t realise how incompetent he is.

4. Works To Schedule.

A good webmaster, if he says it’ll be done Tuesday, it’ll be done Tuesday. Properly.

A poor webmaster underquotes for the work involved and then delivers it late or badly or not at all. It’s very common for a bad webmaster not to reply to your emails when he realises that he’s effectively being paid 3 bucks an hour, even though it’s his own fault.

Author Bio: Want to read more? Go to http://www.webmasterservice.co.uk and then give Tommy a call. Tommy offers website help and is a web designer in London, UK. He has 12 year’s experience in commissioning websites, software and services and knows how to get your work done quickly and to the highest standard.

Category: Internet
Keywords: webmaster,webmasters,webmaster service,web design,web,internet

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