Maintaining an Agile Mind in an Aging Body

As we grow older, our body weakens and so does our mind. Although there are many ways to help keep our body in a reasonably healthy condition, it is a much more difficult task to reverse mental aging once it has begun. Nevertheless, it is not an impossible task to keep your mind youthful and agile in your old age. Keeping an agile mind in an ageing body is essential to prevent premature ageing too.

Today, we see that problems like memory loss occur at a younger age as compared to earlier generations. The combination of a highly stressful life and the lack of proper mental stimulation outside work are reasons for this. These have very serious repercussions with advancement in age and can lead to debilitating mental illnesses. A healthy work and life balance is becoming very important these days. Make sure you always have time for yourself in your busy schedule and engage in activities outside work.

Though it’s important to stay engaged with more than just work throughout your career, but if you are past your prime or have retired already, it’s not too late to explore world besides what you have experienced. Now that you have more time on your hands, indulge in music, watch cultural performances, start engaging with your hobbies and explore all that you have always wanted to, but never got the time to.

Age related mental illnesses can be avoided by making sure that your mind and body get the right kind of exercise. In fact, most people who understand the critical importance of physical exercise fail to give equal importance to exercising and stimulating their minds. Although physical exercise does help increase the blood flow to the brain, you also need to carry out specific mental agility exercises to keep your mental faculties in perfect condition, especially as you age.

Staying mentally active keeps your mind in good condition even when you age. Simple exercises to increase observation and memory help immensely. Every night, right before you sleep, recall the day’s activities in sequence. Remember to visualize each activity in detail. This simple act of recollection boosts your memory and enhances your powers of observation. There are some excellent memory games available on the internet – try these out and have fun as you exercise your mind.

Play brain games or games that involve strategizing. There are many mental challenge games online that can boost brain power while keeping your mind active and agile. Good old crosswords are also a great way to engage your brain in healthy mental activity. Learning new skills, like a new foreign language, are also excellent ways to give your brain a workout. Plus when you go out and meet people from different backgrounds in these classes, it can be refreshing change.

Social interaction is very important for maintaining adequate mental agility. The ability to recall names, faces and remember facts about a person exercises your brain cells. In addition, the very act of interacting with people, sharing thoughts and ideas provides both a mental and emotional release.

Author Bio: For more information about health and Brenda Rusnak, check her out on Twitter.

Category: Aging
Keywords: agile mind, aging, health, brenda rusnak, longevity, exercise, healthy food, puzzles

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