Who Makes the Most Popular Anti Aging Face Products?

Any company would like to be responsible for creating the most popular anti aging face products. Judging from the number of internet searches on the subject, everyone would be interested in buying something that was truly effective, especially if it was cheap and easy to use.

Just a few weeks ago, there was a rumor about how Unilever and Ampere Life Sciences were banding together to create anti ageing ice cream. The rumor appeared on blogs and well known websites.

The number of searches for anti ageing ice cream soon reached into the 10s of thousands. There was a similar increase in the number of sites using that tag line.

It took nearly a month for responsible journalists to contact Unilever, Ampere and Ben & Jerry’s. Unilever is the parent company of Ben & Jerry’s. The answers provided by the companies did little to quash the rumor. Discussing future products would be “premature”.

It is safe to say that everyone involved would like to keep public interest high. While they might not be planning to release an antioxidant fortified ice cream, I am sure they are hoping to develop the most popular anti aging face products.

According to their original press release, the two giant companies plan to work on the “core biology of ageing”. They plan to develop antioxidant-containing products that span “multiple product categories”.

While there may be a few things that we don’t know, the core biology of ageing is relatively well understood. Ageing is caused by oxidation, inflammation, excessive glycation and inefficient methylation.

Oxidation occurs when free radicals become over-active due to exposure to UV radiation or toxins. Inflammation occurs due to injury, infection, unhealthy diets and inactive lifestyles. Excessive glycation is caused by excess consumption of simple carbohydrates. Inefficient methylation occurs due to age and poor nutritional intake.

Not all of these issues can be addressed with anti-ageing creams and dietary supplements. There is no replacement for regular physical activity. But the best creams and dietary supplements address most of those issues. They have yet to become the most popular anti aging face products, because they are made by a small company and most people don’t know about them.

Unilever and Ampere have billions of dollars to invest in advertising. They will be able to reach more customers in a day than a small company could reach in a year. It will come as no surprise when they announce that they have created the most popular anti aging face products.

It will come as no surprise when people start to report adverse or allergic reactions caused by their creams, supplements or foodstuff. Like other giant companies, they will use synthetic antioxidants, artificial preservatives and other man-made ingredients. They will be more concerned about bottom line profits than safety.

This is why we need the small companies, the organic farmers and the free-range produce. We need to be able to choose between the most popular anti aging face products and those that are actually the best.

Author Bio: Valerie Rosenbaum has been studying natural skin care products for years. The products she recommends use natural ingredients like Extrapone nutgrass to even out pigmentation. To learn more visit her website http://www.defendyourskin.com

Category: Aging
Keywords: most popular anti aging face products

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