Why Looking Good is Important in Old Age

Old age is a time when many of us start feeling unwanted and unloved. Although many people accept that they can no longer carry out the same activities as they did when they were younger, they are unable to take up new responsibilities in line with their changing physical capacities. But these are no reasons to become a victim of low self esteem. It’s important to pay attention to all aspects of a fulfilling life including your grooming and appearance. As a well groomed person, you feel more confident and positive in life.

With advancement in age, our physical appearance also undergoes changes, most of them unwelcome such as sagging skin, wrinkles and grey hair. While such physical changes are irreversible, the right diet, regular exercise and a stress-free life can help you age gracefully. For instance, a balanced diet and proper skin care can help you control wrinkles on skin, while a proper exercise regime can take care of posture stoops and paunches. Most of it is really a matter of will and taking initiative. Time is not a big constraint in old age and simple personal grooming routines can make a significant difference in your appearance.

Appearance often hinges on the way you present yourself. Recall the time you first went in for a job interview. Then, you had the beauty of youth yet you did take pains to appear well groomed, wear well tailored, clean and pressed clothes. The same care and attention to your clothes and body can pay rich dividends in old age.

Choose you clothes carefully – anything too tight or too loose almost never works. Age is an important consideration while choosing clothes. Dressing like a teenager will not flatter your image. Smart casuals are generally the way to go. A nice balance of colors or lighter shades lend a pleasant touch to your personality. Another important consideration while choosing appropriate clothing should be the occasion – dress up as is the norm at the particular occasion.

Pay attention to your grooming so that you always appear neat and presentable. Dress in clothes that are appropriate for your age. Comfortable, tasteful clothing makes you look attractive and classy. Take time to wash your hair, keep your finger nails clean and trim. You will see that not many people pay attention to the color of your hair, the wrinkles on your skin or crow’s feet on your face when you present a well groomed appearance.

Staying cheerful is another good way to make sure people are attracted to you. No matter what the age, we tend to like the company of a person who has a ready smile rather than one who is always grumpy! An understanding that there is more to us that our physical appearance also goes a long way in developing a positive self image.

There are some people, who cannot handle the inevitable alterations in their physical appearance as they age. They resort to cosmetic surgeries and botox treatments to hide their age. While such procedures have become exceedingly common, interfering with the natural process of aging can have serious repercussions and side-effects.

Author Bio: For more information about health and Brenda Rusnak, check her out on Twitter.

Category: Aging
Keywords: agile mind, aging, health, brenda rusnak, longevity, exercise, healthy food, puzzles

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