Easy Ways to Switch to Eco Friendly Cleaning in the Home

Eco friendly cleaning does not have to be a complicated jump from traditional cleaning methods. Little steps such as choosing environmentally friendly products can go a long way. There is wisdom behind adopting a greener stance on cleaning aside from contributing in saving the environment: living in a less toxic home has many health benefits such as lessening the risk of accidental poisoning and exposure to carcinogens.

One of the most basic ways to use eco friendly cleaning methods is to stop using chemicals in cleaning. It is not uncommon to have a shelf full of chemicals that are used to keep the home clean. Examples of these are furniture polish, disinfectants, and cleaners. Instead of using the commercially available ones, try using home remedies such as vinegar and baking soda to clean the home. I make my own great all-round cleaner with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of Borax, mix with 2 cups of very hot water and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Usually, these work just as well as other cleaners and are safe to use even when there are children and pets around.

Sustainable cleaning involves the proper disposal of waste products. Batteries, chemicals, and oil should not be thrown in the trash or poured down the drain. They can cause the waste stream to be polluted. Instead, call local recycling centers or the city government to find out about the options available for disposable. Most communities have at least one household hazardous waste pickup scheduled annually. My local council does this quarterly.

Also, choosing packaging more wisely helps the environment. Instead of purchasing small items, buy them in bulk to lessen the containers. This will not only reduce the clutter found in the home but it will also help a lot in reducing the amount of trash placed in the landfills. As much as possible, choose cleaning products that are packaged in recycled or biodegradable containers. Being eco-friendly does not mean solely focusing on the content but also on how they are presented as well.

When cleaning the bathrooms, garages and driveways, do not liberally use water. Instead of keeping the water running, use a bucket to conserve water. Whenever possible, recycle the water used for cleaning. For example, the water used to clean the car can be used to wash away the dirt that accumulates in the driveway. Also, a rainwater collection system can be an effective and cost-efficient way of having enough water to do simple household cleaning tasks.

One of the best eco friendly cleaning tips is to place plants indoors. Plants have been known to reduce the levels of indoor air pollution. They also provide the area with more oxygen for better health. Instead of looking into air purifiers that can increase energy consumption, the use of indoor plants can conduct the cleaning naturally.

Finally, be aware of the decisions that are made. Eco friendly cleaning should not come at the cost of having a dirty home. Strike a balance between the two by investigating effective, eco-friendly products and technologies that are offered in the market. Also, do not create more clutter than what is necessary to lessen the need for throwing things into the trash.

Author Bio: For tons of free cleaning short cuts and secret tips, visit www.speedcleaningsuccess.com. Katrina White, is the owner of SpeedCleaningSuccess.com, a directory of house cleaning articles. If you would like to receive more information, sign up to the free mini-course that will deliver cleaning tips and secrets to your inbox. All articles are written to provide tips to free up the time to do the things you love to do.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: eco cleaners,sustainable cleaning,green cleaning products,eco friendly cleaning,house cleaning, home

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