Why You Should Trust Nopalea

Nopalea, juice made from the Prickly Pear Cactus, is a new wonder food that not only provides nutritional benefit, but also contains medicinal properties.

It has become a food and medicine in countries around the world. You can eat the pads of the cactus and you can also eat the yellow, purple or red blossoms as food. The blossoms are dubbed Nopalitos and when these are cut off they are made into Nopalea Juice.

Dr. Oz. has touted the Nopal Cactus as a natural wonder. He has bragged about its benefits to cure hangovers and has said researchers are even looking at the plant as a way to decrease the symptoms of diabetes.

The company that makes Nopalea, Trivita, uses healthcare professionals and a medical advisory board to help them with research on health and helps them to stay current on new research and scientific developments. In addition, they make sure to examine testing methods and help interpret data received on health and wellness. They turn to the experts so they can be confident in their products.

According to Trivita, they also tout 10 foundational values:

1. Physician-Approved Formulas
2. Unique Delivery Systems
3. Controlled Laboratory Studies
4. Purest Natural Ingredients
5. Pharmaceutical-Grade Quality
6. Third-Party Testing and Certification
7. Quality-Controlled Packaging and Production
8. Dedicated to Product Innovation
9. Medical Advisory Board
10. Complete Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Time magazine came out seven years ago with a huge cover article that was concerned with the effects, the wide ranging effects of inflammation. According to Time magazine, when the body becomes inflammed it is the way it reacts in defense of any type of invader to the body. It is trying to stop the invader immunologically. By becoming inflamed, bacteria and other dangerous invaders, such as microbes are stopped in their tracks before they become scary. What happens is that there becomes an issue when the body doesn\’t naturally halt this response when the bacteria and microbes are gone. What happens then is that the infllmation becomes chronic.

It means that the body\’s inflammation response actually starts to attack the insides of the body itself. Researchers believe that this might be what causes many diseases, everything ranging from diabetes to colon cancer or even Alzheimer\’s.

Time magazine states that researchers are even possibly linking inflammation to heart attacks. What happens is inflammation may loosen embedded plaque in the arteries. When this happens, the plaque ruptures and all that goes through the bloodstream, straight through and ends up in the heart. In addition, the loosened plaque can end up in the brain, damaging nerve cells, which is why they think inflammation may be connected to Alzheimer’s as a result. Scientists also think that inflammation might also give birth to abnormal cells that are cancerous. Chronic inflammation can possibly be the cause of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

Scientists are also researchign any possible link between this chronic inflammation issue and breathing problems, such as allergies and asthma. When it became clear that chronic inflammation could be linked to so many diseases, it was exciting because the other side of this theory is that these diseases could all be reduced or cured by the elmination of one simple thing: chronic inflammation. In addition, a healthy diet and good habits will help reduce the incidence of these diseases that result from chronic inflammtion because it appears high-fat diets and smoking makes you very vulnerable to the side effects adn complications of chronic inflammation.

Use of the Nopal Cactus is believed to date back to the time of the Aztecs. It is thought that these indigenous population of people were the first to not only eat the cactus as food, but to use it as a medicine. Spainards quickly grew to enjoy and use the plant when they came to America. They ended up bringing the plant back home to Spain.

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about the health benefits of the Nopalea Juice for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study What is Nopalea in the plant’s homeland. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: nopalea, nopalea juice, nopalea reviews, nopalea ingredients

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