4 Steps To A Healthy Life

Some of the leading causes of death in the United States are stroke, cancer, heart and lung disease. Risk of falling prey to these deadly diseases may be minimized by following some simple steps and adapting a healthy lifestyle. Staying physically active, eating a balanced diet and addressing addictions like smoking and alcohol are a step in the right direction.

1. Eating right

Eating the right foods in healthy proportions and at reasonable intervals is essential for maintaining a healthy life. Research has shown that many diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease can be controlled and prevented by following proper diet plans. Make sure that the diet contains an adequate amount of essential nutrients like iron and calcium along with vitamins and micronutrients. Calorie intake should be planned according to the lifestyle of the individual.

Eat different types of food like dark green leafy and deep yellow vegetables and fresh fruit, especially melon and berries. Include wheat, oats, rice, barley and corn along with beans and lentils in your diet. Go for low fat food like fish, lean meat and low fat dairy products.

2. Physical activity

Research has shown that physical activity can prevent at least six diseases namely obesity, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and mental disorders. Depending on your age and level of fitness, a brisk walk may be as good as jogging. A total of 30 minutes of constant physical activity such as fast walking is necessary at least five times a week.

Before you start following a physical exercise routine, it is desirable to talk to your doctor. Physical activity is not always meant to stress you and make you sweat. Get involved in jobs that are part of your daily life. This may include gardening, washing windows, raking leaves or walking briskly. Partake in activities such as swimming, biking or dancing. Make time for physical activity and try to follow a schedule. When the whether is bad, try working around the house and doing free hand exercises.

3. Controlling weight

Weighing too much or too little can be harmful. While overweight and obesity are common, there are people who need to put on weight. The ideal weight of an individual is determined by his height and build. Make sure you know the healthy weight that you need to maintain. Seek expert advice for reducing or gaining weight at the desired level and maintaining it. While obesity exacerbates certain health problems, being underweight can also make you susceptible to certain diseases.

4. Quitting bad habits

Quit bad habits like smoking. This alone may reduce the risk of disease. Smoking has been associated with several deadly ailments like cancer, liver and lung disease and heart problems. It is also considered one of the prime culprits for premature aging and early death. Addiction to alcohol is another bad habit that you should abandon. It not only ruins your liver, kidney and heart but also affects mental stability.

Eating healthy, staying active, controlling weight and kicking bad habits are four simple steps to maintaining a healthy life.

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