How to Find Affordable Car Insurance

We are all struggling in this economy and we all want to save money anyway we can. The best place to start is is your car. Your in it every day and it probably never crossed your mind to try to find cheaper car insurance. There are a few things you need to do in order to be sure you get the best deal available. No need wasting your time if your just going to end up with the same insurance payment you had before.

There are a couple of tricks you need to learn first. Don\’t worry it is nothing illegal. The first thing you want to do is find access to a computer that has internet. If you have one at home great but if you do not then you need to find a friend that has one or go to your public library and use theirs.

Once your online you then start buy searching for insurance websites that offer multiple quotes from many different companies. Now you may need to find a couple of these sites because some of them only give you one or two extra quotes from other companies.

You need at least five or six insurance quotes. This will give you a better chance at getting a better insurance deal. Once you have found the site that offers the cheapest insurance quote then you move on to the next step. The next step is to speak with an agent form the company.

Now you can do this one of two ways, you can call the company or you can go to the company and speak directly to the agent. Personally I believe face to face interaction will work best. Before you go in for your talk with agent make sure you have a list of any question you may have for the agent.

You do not want to leave out any questions that you may have. Be honest with the agent tell the agent that you did a web search for the cheapest quotes and that their company came out on top. Then tell him you are hoping to get an even better deal than you got online.

The agent will be able to help you find all the discounts that you probably did not even know they had. Make sure you answer all the agent questions to the best of you knowledge. If you are a student full time and you also make good grades then you will be able to get a discount for being a student. If you have taken a driving class you will also get a discount for that as well.

These discounts are not much but once you get a few of them and add them up you can end up saving a lot of money. You will also save money if you drive a car that has a lot of safety features such as anti-lock brakes, airbags, anti-theft devices. You also want to make sure that you are driving a responsible car and not any form of sports car because they are very expensive to insure.

Author Bio: If you are looking for a cheaper CAA Ontario car insurance policy, check out Canada\’s largest automobile association. Their outstanding roadside assistance service had saved many motorists. Check online for your CAA insurance quote today.

Category: Finances
Keywords: Insurance, travel insurance, car insurance, finance, financial, money, economy, rates, family

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