How to Love Exercise

Everybody knows that exercising is beneficial for the body and mind. Yet, there are many who, despite being overweight and physically unfit, refrain from exercising. If you do not workout despite a nagging worry at the back of your mind about your deteriorating fitness levels, then its time for action. Think about why you refrain from exercising. Is it lack of motivation or lack of time or insufficient interest? Now think about the things you do on a regular basis, no matter what other engagements you may have. May be shopping, reading a book, going on drives or fishing? What is it that makes you set apart time for these activities and not for exercise? If you have to zero in on one major influencing factor, it has to be lack of love for exercising.

Build up interest
It is impossible to love anything, if you force yourself to do it. Compulsion without interest implies diminished efficiency. So, the first thing that you need to do is build up interest. Go to the nearest book store and pick up some books on physical fitness. Understand the benefits listed. Analyse the disadvantages of not exercising. Try and convince yourself that you exercise solely for yourself, so that you can lead a good healthy life. Exercise is not for the benefit of your spouse or friends (though that does provide motivation!). It is for your benefit, so that you can live without dependency on drugs and doctors. Once you are convinced that exercising will give you an ideal long healthy life, you will begin to love it.

Set a time table
The best time for working out is in the morning, when your metabolism rate is naturally high. Make a time table for yourself and stick to it. Generally, people give up their workout time for other engagements. Do not let that happen. Train yourself to follow your workout schedule religiously. Make it a top priority, akin to eating and sleeping. Once your body falls in to a routine, you will no longer have to make an effort to exercise. It will come naturally to you.

Find \”your\” kind of exercise
There are different kinds of fitness programs. Find one that you will enjoy. You can never love exercising in the confines of a gym if you are an outdoor person. Choose running, jogging, swimming or other outdoor fitness programs. If you love dancing, join a dance or an aerobics class. Basically, you have to figure out your comfort zone.

Connect with like-minded people
They are easy to find. There are many who want to workout but lack motivation. Talk to your friends and form a group. You can also hire a trainer for your group. It will not only be enjoyable but will also work out cheaper. Remember that you are exercising and not writing an exam. So, have fun and laugh out loud.

Notice the changes in your body
Once you start exercising, your body will undergo subtle changes. Although in the beginning, the change may not be glaringly evident, you will feel the difference. Notice all the changes. Keep a record of your weight and vital statistics. The falling numbers will give you a great feeling. Observe that your mind is sharper and more active. All these positive development in your body will make you very keen on continuing your exercises.

Working out is not a punishment, it is in fact a gift that you give your body. You can find ways to make exercising more interesting. Changing your fitness regime will keep you from getting bored. Enjoy what you do; you will naturally love it.

Author Bio: If you would like to sign up for a Personal Trainer in Sutherland Shire or to register for a free Bootcamps consultation, visit Sydney Bootcamps.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer in Sutherland Shire

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