Ischemic Heart Disease – Read More About It

Ischemic Heart disease or the coronary artery disease affects the provision of blood to the heart. This powerful organ is responsible for pumping supplies of oxygenated blood throughout the body, especially to the vital organs such as the kidneys and the brain. Any defect in the heart will affect this supply and will lead to death of tissue.

What happens when you have Ischemic Heart disease is that the blood vessels become narrow or even blocked because of the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the vessels’ walls. The result is a reduction in the vital supply of nutrients and oxygen to the heart musculature. Eventually, this will result to a sudden deprivation of blood supply to the heart leading to the death in that part and will cause a Myocardial Infarction or a heart attack.

There are many factors that cause the development of Ischemic heart disease. Smoking, diabetes mellitus and cholesterol levels put you in major risk. Having elevated blood levels of cholesterol will also heighten the risk, as well as genetic and hereditary factors. Stress is also considered to be another factor although it is still not determined.

Men are more likely to develop Ischemic heart disease, although women past menopause are also just as susceptible.

The first common sign of Ischemic Heart Disease would be a severe chest pain of Myocardial Infarction, which may be immediately fatal. As a warning sign, it is in the form of Angina Pectoris. When you experience Angina, it is a pain that is in the center of the chest and spreads down to the left arm, back or jaw. It is typically triggered by exercise and relieved by rest.

The pain is typically described to be a feeling of tightness or compression in the center of the chest and could last from five to twenty minutes. You will also tend to break into a sweat. It is best to go to the doctor after feeling this pain to check the presence of this disease. Usually the clinical examination would check the presence of Tendon Xanthomas or the thickening of the Achilles Tendon and the Arcus Lipidus. Anemia, diabetes, obesity, thyroid and peripheral vascular disease are also checked.

Treating Ischemic heart disease might include drug therapy with Nitrates, administered sub-lingually. This dilated the diseased coronary arteries. It is very effective when it comes to relieving pain in just a few minutes. Isosorbide Dinitrate and Isosorbide Mononitrate are some of these drugs. They can also be used to prevent the pain from taking place.

To prevent Ischemic heart disease, one must have regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, and keep away from stress. Saturated fats should be avoided in order to reduce lipid levels in the blood and to prevent arteriosclerosis.

Another highly effective form of drug that relieves the pain would be beta-blockers such as Propranolol. This reduced the myocardial oxygen demand, therefore decreasing the heart rate. Calcium channel antagonists would produce vasodilatation and reduces conductivity of cardiac muscle and excitability, thus reducing blood pressure.

If medical treatments failed to treat the Ischemic heart disease then surgical therapy is the next option. Coronary Angioplasty and Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting can be applied to get rid of the blockage.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: ischemic heart disease,ischemic heart,heart disease

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