Males and Eating Disorders: Things You Didn’t Know

When you hear of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, people naturally assume that those who suffer from them are women. Such is not the case. An estimated 35% of all individuals who suffer from an eating disorder are in fact males. Unfortunately, those numbers are still rising. Here are a few facts pertaining to males who suffer from some sort of eating disorder.

* Almost 12,000 high school students and more than 60,000 adults were surveyed with the following admissions recorded:

o Of the adults, 24% of the men (38% of the women) were currently attempting to lose weight

o Of the high school students, 15% of the males (44% of the females) were currently attempting to lose weight

* When presented with a questionnaire regarding body shape, weight, exercise, and dieting, a 200 college students, both male and female, 26% of the males, and 48% of the females described themselves as overweight.

* One national survey revealed that 41% of adult males and 55% of adult women are unhappy with their weight.

* Body builders, gymnasts, wrestlers, dancers, runners and swimmers are much more vulnerable due to the stringent weight restrictions.

* In the media back in the late 80’s, magazines that were targeted towards women were found to carry more articles and advertisement geared towards weight reduction, dieting, calorie intake, etc. and those geared towards males carried more articles and advertisements geared towards fitness, body building, weight lifting and strength training.

* When males and females who suffer from anorexia were compared, males showed a significantly higher rate of sexual anxieties than females. Of those who suffered from the anxiety, notably 80% reported growing up in homes were sex was considered to be taboo.

* Males who suffered from anorexia reported that they were generally seen to be ‘more feminine’ than other males, both in their behavior and attitude.

*Homosexual males may be more susceptible to an eating disorder due to the pressure within their own communities to be skinny.

* Of males who suffer from an eating disorder, many believed themselves to have dependent, passive-aggressive, even avoidant personalities.

Facing the Challenges

Diagnosing and treating eating disorders becomes even more difficult due to males being less likely to discuss such an issue with their doctors, or anyone else for that matter. They are ashamed, so they continue in the disorder without medical assistance. Unfortunately, there are just as many healthcare professionals not trained to deal with male eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Family members have a tendency to ignore the signs as well if they are being exhibited by a male since this is unfamiliar.

As a part of a recovery program, support groups are recommended, but because most of these support groups are made of mostly women, here is yet another area where male participation lacks, hindering the progress of treatment.

Talk to your doctor if you or someone you love is exhibiting an eating disorder whether they, or you, are male or female. Early treatment and support from friends and family can help men and women win the fight against eating disorders.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage and massage stone therapy including hot and cold applications.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: eating disorders,anorexia,recovery program,support groups

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