Women Heart Disease

Most people think that woman heart disease is impossible because heart disease is often perceived to be a problem for men. But more women that men die of heart disease every year. Statistics show that almost every year, 8.6 million women in the whole world die of heart disease. In the US, almost eight million women are currently experiencing heart disease and 435,000 of these women suffer from heart attacks and 267,000 women die of heart attack each year. Women under the age of fifty are more prone to fatal heart disease. One of the reasons why heart disease affects women severely as compared to men is because of the symptoms. Women tend to have unique symptoms of heart disease. Women should be aware of these symptoms as early as possible to avoid and reduce the possible risks of getting heart disease. It is believed that the more risk factors a woman has the more prone she is to having heart disease.

Risk factors of woman heart disease can be categorized in to those which can be treated and controlled and those which cannot be controlled. The risk factors that can be controlled and treated are more focused on the lifestyle habits of the woman. And some of these factors are tobacco smoke, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, physical inactivity, obesity and overweight, and diabetes. Smoking is the number one reason why women in the US suffer with heart disease. Women who smoke or those who have constant exposure to smoking have higher risk developing heart disease. High blood pressure is also a risk factor especially if the women tend to have them because of genetics, obesity, pregnancy, birth control pills or may be because they are in their menopausal stages. High cholesterol in woman is also considered a risk factor because statistics show that women have higher cholesterol than men. Physical inactivity can also lead to heart disease because lack of exercise and too much food intake can result to gaining weight which gives way to another risk factor, obesity. Too much fat in the body, especially in the waist area is a sign that a woman can be in greater risk of having heart disease. Diabetes is also included because women with diabetes usually have high cholesterol and blood pressure and are often overweight.

Some of the risk factors for woman heart disease which cannot be controlled are age, heredity and heart disease and heart attack history. Age, of course, just like for most diseases will always be a factor because as women get older, the risk of having heart diseases increase. In short, the risk of heart disease in women increases with age. Genetics or family history is also a factor because it is possible for women to have heart disease if some of their relatives have experienced one before. Current heart attack of women can also increase the risk of having another one in the future. With all the risk factors presented, how does a woman know the symptoms? The symptoms of heart disease include feeling woozy, nausea or vomiting, and experiencing pain and discomfort in the arms, jaw, stomach, neck and the back. What can a woman do to reduce the risk of heart disease? Maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be on top of her list including exercising at least thirty minutes a day, keeping a healthy weight, maintaining a healthy diet with lesser intake of cholesterol, salt and saturated fat. And lastly, don\’t smoke. If she\’s smoking, it\’s time to quit.

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding woman heart disease? Visit http://www.HeartDiseasesTreatment.com today!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: heart disease,woman heart disease,women heart disease

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