A Few Good Driving Habits

Getting a drivers license for the first time can be a grand achievement. Although remembering from drivers education class it was more of a privilege, rather than a necessity. But one of the things drivers seem to neglect before turning the key are the risks that are involved during every second while the vehicle is in motion. Preparation can be crucial in good driving habits.

By practicing good driving habits from the first day, one can and will lessen the chances of being involved in an accident. It has been said by statistics that anyone is more likely to be involved in an automobile accident, verses a slip, fall or similar action. Most of all never drink and drive or under the influence of any drug.

In most cases when we think of driving habits the most common of them come to mind. Of these would be using turn signals, driving the speed limit and so on. Lets take a deeper look and an all around trip into not only making it safe but practical for all occasions.

It is probably most certain that the majority of drivers jump right into the vehicles and peel away. For those whom may have acquired a Commercial Drivers License (CDL), use a mandatory procedure called a pre-trip inspection. Not everyone with a drivers license has to do a pre-trip necessarily, but CDL drivers do. This is a good and wonderful habit to get into, which involves checking fluid levels, tire pressure, turn signals, lights, looking for leaks and most important seat belts are working properly.

Now that the vehicle has been inspected and is in safe operating condition, we shall focus on dialing in the mirrors. A good measurement when setting the mirrors is that the lines are still visible from where the tail lights are within the mirrors. Always be sure to make a quick turn checking in the blind spots of the vehicle, making sure to not totally rely on the mirrors.

CDL drivers actually do rely on the trucks mirrors. Here are a few tips to remember when driving in traffic with CDL drivers. It is commonly said and sometimes posted that if the driver of the vehicle cannot see the mirrors of the semi-truck when following, the vehicle is too close. Try no to drive beside the semi-truck, this is the CDL drivers blind spot. Be sure to pay attention to their signal lights. Use the vehicles lights by flashing the driver so the trucker knows its clear to switch lanes.

In retrospect, even a simple drive to the grocery store can become tedious and sometimes frustrating. Some of the worst accidents have come from those concerning road rage. It is not always easy to stay calm, but many do forget that vehicles weigh over a ton and have been known to be used forcefully. One little mistake can not only cost hundreds in damages, but lives as well.

Take deep breaths or find the nearest place to pull over if needs be. Vent the frustration out while stopped, because the road needs undivided attention. Be sure to have the route planned out in advance, along with having a back-up or detour route in case of accidents or construction. Might not even hurt to keep a few extra dollars hidden in case of emergencies. Maybe it all comes down to being courteous and awareness, but being prepared from the start is the best driving habit to be practiced.

Author Bio: With years of experience and a good driving record, why pay more for car insurance Calgary when you have earned the right to pay less.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: auto,cars,travel,vehicle,legal,advice,habits,recreation,business,family,society,culture

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