What is Esalin Massage?

Esalin massage is a type of massage therapy that uses a combination of Swedish massage and energy work in order to promote the relaxation response in the patient’s body. This type of massage therapy is also known as “conscious touch” due to the required focus on the part of the massage therapist during the performance of the different massage strokes and techniques.

Unlike the other types of massage therapy where the healing is basically based on the technique, esalin massage focuses on the coordination of the therapist and the patient to pinpoint accuracy on everything while performing a successful massage session. In general, this type of massage gives much attention on the quality of the massage rather than the strokes or techniques used.

This type of therapeutic massage can only be learned at the institute where it all began. In the 1960s, esalin massage was developed by Esalin Institute which is located in Big Sur, California and was believed to be a new holistic type of natural healing. Learning the method also means learning the philosophy at the same time. The practitioners of this method in massage therapy believed that healing is not only done physically but should also be done spiritually in order to fully recover and attain a healthy condition.

This type of therapy uses the objective of focusing on balancing and redirecting the flow of energy within the body in order to promote or obtain a healthy mind and body. Similar to the belief of the Asians, this treatment aims in targeting the meridian points or key points of the whole body to trigger the ability of the human body to rejuvenate itself, relieve pain as well as promote a healthy condition.

There are many benefits a patient can get from having an esalin massage. However, in order to get these benefits, one should only seek the performance of a good massage therapist specializing in this field of massage therapy. As with the common types of massage therapies all around the world, an improvement in the circulation of the blood and oxygen are some of its benefits on a patient’s body. This in return benefits the patient’s heart as it reduces both the blood pressure and the heart rate and stabilizing it to retain a healthy heart condition. The relief of stress both physically and mentally is also included in the many benefits of this massage therapy. The physical stresses are those that are taken due to the tension buildups among the different muscle groups of the body. On the other hand, the mental stresses are those of anxiety and depression. These can be treated with regular sessions of esalin massage which stimulates both the central nervous system which is responsible for the emotions and the muscle tissues for the relaxation of the different body parts.

Although this type of therapeutic massage is beneficial for the improvement of the condition of the body, most States can’t accommodate it due to the necessity of being completely nude during the massage therapy session in order for the therapist to perform without stopping on certain areas.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone massage kit supplies provider. They carry products such as massage stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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