Bed Bug Mites Household Dust & Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus

Do dust mites live and reside in your home? Do these “critters” bite? You bet. These itty bitty submicroscopic creatures can be easily seen with ultra high powered electronic microscopes. No doubt about it they sure are ugly. Yet you can bet , clear as the household dust that they lodge and hide in that they are also crawling around your bedding and household furniture. Yet the little creepy crawlies are ubiquitous with mankind. They are nothing new and have live alongside even co-habituating with mankind for time immemorial. Its not as if that warning sign up front at your local Wal-mart, that our bedding is infested with bed-bugs is anything new. So get used to it. Especially if you or your families have respiratory issues, allergies and especially asthma you should deal with these mites effectively.

However, dust mites are not just cute cuddly pets to keep you warm at night in your bed. They also can and are sure to bring about allergic-type skin reactions when they come in close contact with humans. They possess chelicerae, a technical term for the double pincer-like mouths in crustaceans and arachnids. When a dust mite bites unto the skin of a human, their gnawing tiny mouths grind the human flesh into small pieces that they can easily digest.

Dust mites are present in very much every house all around the world and in totally widespread conditions. The most common type of dust mites being observed are the American and European Dust mites although these kind two kinds of dust mites species do not just thrive in Europe and North America.

The House mite feeds on organic substances such as shed human skin’s flakes and other biological and organic remains that can be seen in our homes. These mites are the main reason of asthma and the fecal matter they produce and leave behind can be really allergenic. The primary signs of allergic reaction are red eyes, clogging of lungs and nose, itchiness and sneezing.

These dust mites may be visible against a dark background in an average light. The typical dust mite’s body measures about 420 micrometers in length and 250-320 micrometers in with. Dust mites are really small but they can have a significant and big effect on their human counterparts.

Both female and male dust mites are creamy blue in color and their bodies are of rectangular shape. They possess eight legs and these legs can be shifted around their surroundings in air movement or in clumps of dust. One dust might is capable of producing up to 2000 fecal particles within a 10-week life span.

An average dust mite male have a life span of 10-19 days however a female dust mite who has been mated is capable of living up to 70 days and can lay eggs of up to 100 during the remaining five weeks of its life. Human beings shed of approximately 1.5 grams of skin cells in a day. This amount is enough to feed about a million dust mites under really good conditions.

Dust mites can survive pretty well indoors and are commonly found in furniture, mattresses and carpets. The mites get moisture for the humidity produced by the breathing of humans. An environment that is humid is great for these critters although they are capable of surviving in dry climates as well. To kill and get rid of house dust mites, Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate powder is used.

Author Bio: Kerri I. Swan
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Category: Home Management
Keywords: house dust dust mites,bed mites,,mite bites,bed bug symptoms,pteronyssinus,furnace filter bed mite

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