Benefits and Risks of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a procedure that uses a strong and pulsating light beam to eliminate unwanted hairs. During this processes, the beam passes from skin to an individual follicle. The heat caused by the laser damages the follicle and thereby inhibits future growth.

Although growth is slowed, it is not a permanent removal process. Several treatments are necessary for extended periods without growth. Further, some occasional treatments for maintenance will also be necessary.

Areas where this is normally done include legs, the chin, armpits, the bikini line, and the upper lip. However, treatment is not limited to these areas. It is possible to treat any unwanted hairs on almost every part of the body.

People with darker skin will have less success because the laser beam works by focusing on hair pigment. Because of this, those who have more pigment in their skin may find it affected in the process. Best results are seen in those who have gray, white, or blond hair and overall light complexions.

There are some risks that are associated with this treatment. Sometimes there may be temporary skin irritation. This can result in scabs or crusting of skin following removal of hairs. Pigment changes are another possibility. Skin may become lighter or darker, although this is generally only temporary. Skin is lightened in those with darker skin shades. This problem is increased if lasers are used while on incorrect settings. Blisters and scars are also possibilities, but rare ones.

Doctors chosen to perform the procedure should be board certified with a focus in dermatology or cosmetic surgery. They should also have extensive experience performing laser hair removal treatments. Physician assistants or nurses doing the procedure must be supervised by a doctor. Do not go to a spa or salon in which unqualified individuals will attempt the process.

A doctors visit beforehand is recommended to go over relevant medical history information. This is also a good opportunity to talk about the risks and benefits and likely outcomes of the process. A plan can be put in place and the costs associated with it agreed upon. Photos may be taken at this time to later be contrasted with others taken afterwards.

There are a few precautions that should be taken before treatment. Individuals should avoid the sun when possible, as tanning is linked to some side effects. If a tan is already present it is recommended to wait for it to fade first before proceeding. Also avoid any treatments that could disrupt follicular growth such as waxing, electrolysis, and plucking. If the follicle becomes affected the removal may not go as well. Since shaving does not affect the shaft of the hair or the follicle, it is safe.

Laser hair removal uses heat to damage follicles and disrupt future growth. However, this is not a permanent process and requires several treatments as well as continual maintenance. It is most successful when used on individuals with light complexions because the laser works on pigment. Darker skinned individuals have more pigment in their skin that can affect results and also cause temporary lightening. In rare cases scarring and blistering are also possible.

Author Bio: Toronto Mole Removal is one of the best cosmetic clinics in town. With specialized services such as Tattoo Removal and Toronto Laser Hair Removal, you can rely on dependable results.

Category: Culture
Keywords: Health, family, advice, society, help, beauty, botox, cosmetic surgery,internet

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