Everything You Need to Know About Cold Laser

Cold laser is considered to be the evolution of acupuncture, as it claims to work on the same principals. It targets areas of pain and helps them to heal and recover. It can either work by accessing a trigger point through laser or by creating a deep tissue treatment, using photons to help the tissue heal. It is a far less invasive procedure than surgery or acupuncture.

This method is suitable for the treatment of skin problems like psoriasis and acne. It is used more commonly for the treatment of pain. It is particularly useful in treating injuries like ligament and muscle strains and any soft tissue injury. It can be used to relieve tendonitis, arthritis, tennis elbow and bursitis.

In the application of the treatment it is photons that are responsible for promoting mitochondria to produce more ATP. This happens at a faster rate on a cellular level. The cellular energy that is created from this reaction is what is used to repair and speed up healing of damaged cells. ATP is increased and created much faster.

This therapy revolves around depositing photons into damaged cells or areas. The photons are units of light energy from infrared radiation. They are responsible for getting the mitochondria to produce mass quantities of ATP and instigate the healing process inside the damaged cells.

There are currently no known side effects caused by this type of therapy. It does not involve any chemicals or toxins and completely non invasive. Success of the treatments is claimed to be in the region of ninety percent efficacy. There is no manipulation of bodily processes and it is completely natural. Currently the favoured application is a couple of very short treatments every couple of days to yield the best results.

The production of collagen is also a by product of this process. This enables wounds to heal a lot faster than usual. It also possesses anti inflammatory and anti bruising properties. It improves the functioning of the circulatory system and is known to be able to reduce the texture and prominence of scar tissue. It penetrates trigger points, releasing any accumulated toxins or blocked areas.

It remains somewhat of a controversial type of treatment, especially in the medical world. Thousands of studies have been carried out over the last thirty years to ascertain the benefits but professionals are still undecided on many aspects of the treatment. Features that are still under review include the duration of the application and its intensity, the pulsing and dose supplied and the exact place it should be applied.

Cold laser is a relatively modern outlook on healing processes, having only been around for about thirty years. There are two different type available, the first of which localizes a source of pain or injury and targets with a laser. The second can treat a bigger piece of soft tissue by targeting it with photons. Photons are responsible for causing all the activity inside the cells and enabling them to start healing themselves more quickly.

Author Bio: A leader in the application of cold laser therapy and low level laser therapy for the treatment of soft tissue injuries, pain management and other neuro-pathologic and musculo-skeletal injuries.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
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