Great Tips For Tiling Your Bathroom

Tiles for the bathroom are universal. There seem to be no other material that will be better to have than tiles. But, installing them can be difficult to accomplish, especially when you are doing it on your own. And so, here are a few tips that can help you when you are undertaking a DIY project of tiling your bathroom.

Clean the area. Before you start the project, prepare the area first. This can be done by cleaning the places where you plan to install the tiles. It would be best if you can wet the area with water to be able to effectively remove debris and dust. But, make sure that you leave it to dry for several hours.

The surface should be flat and even all throughout. So, aside from removing objects that are stuck to the wall, there might be a need for you to sand or smooth out the area with whatever means possible.

Measure accurately. Assuming that you have all the tiles that you need and you have the number that will be enough to cover the bathroom that you are doing, you will not be ready to start the task. An easy but sure way of ensuring that the tiles are installed correctly and in a straight line is by using a piece of soft wood. You will lay out the tiles next to the wood and then line the edges afterwards. The lines will be your guide as you go along with your job.

Another strategy that many use is lining the area with strings. The strings will serve as the guide. One advantage of this measure is that the strings are lined on top. Unlike when you are drawing lines as they may be covered by tile adhesives. This means that you can lose your guide and put the task in jeopardy.

Set the tiles. Now, you are ready to set the tiles. You will need tile adhesives to keep the tiles in place. Read instructions of the adhesives carefully. There are some that are already premixed while there are other products that need to be added with water before they can be used. Waterproof tile adhesives are necessary to have since they will constantly come in contact with water.

Also prepare a wet sponge. This sponge will be used to wipe off extra adhesive that has gone on top of the tiles and out of the place where they are supposed to be.

Leave the borders for the end task. You will begin installing the tiles in the middle of the bathroom floor or in the middle of the wall. For the edges that are near the corners, there may be a need for you to cut the tiles so that they perfectly fit the remaining spaces.

In order to cut the tiles to their best sizes, mark the areas that need to be cut. You may need to do this one by one for every tile, especially if the remaining spaces are not equal.

Author Bio: Karissa Claire Dupree is a design specialist and enjoys writing about any type of home decor such as outdoor sectional and outdoor sofas as well as other products.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: home improvement, outdoor sofa, furniture, outdoor furniture, sofa

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